箭舌豌豆是一种优良的一年生豆科牧草,它的茎叶柔嫩,营养丰富,适口性好,产草量高,籽实是家畜的好饲料,复种倒茬提高土壤肥效显著。一、土壤耕作与施肥 1.春播箭舌豌豆的整地,要求在播种前一年完成,施足底肥,镇压保墒,播种时应施
Tongue pea is an excellent annual leguminous pasture grass, its stems and leaves soft, nutritious, palatability, high yield, seed is a good feed for livestock, stubble stubble to improve soil fertility significantly. First, the soil cultivation and fertilization 1. Spring sowing Tongue peas preparation, the requirements of the year before sowing, Shi foot fertilizer, suppression of soil moisture, planting should be applied