积笔墨之大成 写山河之灵魂——纪振民山水画评析

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纪振民给我的印象是清癯、鹤发、寡言,满面纯净,满眼真诚,满身和气,内含一种历经沧桑的坚毅,显露的是笑对人生的亲切、大彻大悟的平淡,其质朴宽厚之天性与松梅相近,像一棵松顽强挺立,似一枝梅俏不争春。虽年逾古稀,然体健神爽,文思如潮,佳作不断。这是一位慈眉善目、儒雅谦和的长者,更是一位师长风范的资深画家。纪振民的画却不只是一棵松、一枝梅,宝贵的是他已把松梅之品格化成苍苍茫茫的层峦叠嶂,如松涛阵阵,积成密密匝匝的千岩万壑,如梅林重重。他的山水是祖国大好山河的 Ji Zhenmin gave me the impression is clear 癯, crane hair, widowed, covered with pure, full of eyes sincere, full of atmosphere, contains a kind of perseverance after the vicissitudes of life, reveals the kind of laughter of life, Dachu dawn dull, simple and generous nature Similar with Songmei, like a pine stubborn stand, like a plum unworthy of spring. Although the seventy years of age, but the body healthy and refreshing, Evans rush, masterpieces continue. This is a benevolent, refined gentleman of the elderly, but also a senior stylist senior painter. Ji Zhenmin’s paintings are not just a pine, a plum, precious is that he has transformed the Songmei into the vastness of the vastness of the mountains, such as the pondering, buildup of dense rockeries, such as Merlin heavy. His landscape is a wonderful mountain and river
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