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2005年9月5日,一家对外称“大中华区月球大使馆”的公司在北京市朝阳区工商部门正式注册后成立,注册名称为“北京月球村航天科技有限公司”,办公地址在朝阳区安贞桥的深房大厦内。该公司专门出售月球等星球的土地,并声称298元人民币就能在月球上购买1英亩(合6亩)土地,购买者还可以获得月球土地证书。10月8日,公司负责人李捷首次接受媒体采访,公开宣称要大张旗鼓地卖月球上的土地。10月19日,“大中华区月球大使馆”宣布正式开盘,有“月球疯子”之称的美国总公司总裁丹尼斯·霍普还特意来京捧场,“月球大使馆”总部网站上随即出现了“大中华区月球大使馆”开业的消息和链接。但该公司的所作所为引起了多方质疑,工商部门也开始展开调查,结果买卖月球土地业务只持续了3天便告停。3天中共有34名顾客购买了49英亩月球土地,总金额1.4万余元。10月28日,8位工商部门工作人员和2位警察在出具《扣留(封存)财物通知书》后,扣留了该公司的财物。工商部门表示扣留公司财物,是由于其涉嫌投机倒把。12月21日,工商部门对其下达了罚款5万元并吊销营业执照的处罚决定。其实,霍普虽然早在25年前就宣布月球乃至太阳系内除地球以外的其它星球归自己所有,但他的要求并未得到法律上的认可。不过惦记月球土地的人并非霍普一个,只是出发点各不相同罢了。本文所述的月球土地权认可制度旨在通过认可月球土地的所有权来鼓励私营团体投资发展空间基础设施。本文最初发表在美国航天学会《太空时代》杂志2005年5/6月号上。作者道格拉斯O.乔布斯是空间定居学会理事长,专门从事太空定居方面的研究。 September 5, 2005, a company called “the Greater China Moon Embassy” company was officially registered in Chaoyang District, Beijing Business Department, the registered name is “Beijing Moon Village Aerospace Science and Technology Co., Ltd.”, office address in Chaoyang District Anzhen bridge deep room building. The company specializes in the sale of planet Earth such as the Moon and claims that 298 yuan will buy 1 acre (6 acres) of land on the moon and that buyers will also receive a lunar land certificate. On October 8, the head of the company, Li Jie, first interviewed the media and publicly declared that he should sell the land on the moon in a big way. October 19, “Greater China Moon Embassy” announced the official opening of the “Moon Maniac,” said Dennis Hope, president of the United States headquarters also specifically to Beijing to join, “Moon Embassy” headquarters site immediately appeared “Greater China Moon Embassy” opened the news and links. However, the company’s actions aroused wide-ranging queries and the business sector started to investigate. As a result, the sale of the lunar land business lasted only for 3 days. A total of 34 customers purchased 49 acres of moon land in 3 days, with a total amount of 1.4 million yuan. On October 28, eight business and industry officials and two police officers detained the property of the company after issuing a “Notice of Seizure (Sequestration) Property.” The business sector said detaining company property was due to its alleged speculation. December 21, the business sector issued a fine of 50,000 yuan and its business license revocation decision. In fact, although Hope announced the moon and other planets in the solar system except Earth as early as 25 years ago, his claim has not been legally recognized. However, people who remember the moon land is not a Hope, but the starting point varies. The Moon Land Tenure Recognition System described in this article aims to encourage private sector investment in the development of space infrastructure by recognizing the ownership of Moon Land. This article was originally published in the May / June 2005 issue of Space Science magazine. Author Douglas O. Jobs is the director of the Society for Space Settlements and specializes in space settlement research.
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