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   Here are ten ways to produce more vivid (生动的), direct, concise (简洁的) composition by choosing fewer words and well organized sentences. But conciseness doesn’t mean that you write short, choppy (支离破碎的) sentences, or that you cut out (裁剪) details. It means that you simply take out (取出) empty words and phrases.
   1. Use active voice使用主动的语态
   Active verbs put the actor first and sound livelier than passive (被动的) verbs, which can sound static (静止的) or abstract (抽象的). Active verbs are much easier to understand and much more powerful. Try to use the active voice whenever possible.
   原句:The meeting was seen by us as a ploy (策略) to delay the project. (这个会议被我们当做拖延该项目的一种策略。)
   修改后:We saw the meeting as a ploy to delay the project. (我们把这个会议当成拖延该项目的一种策略。)
   2. Avoid vague nouns避免使用含糊不清的名词
   Phrases formed around general nouns (一般名词) such as aspect, degree, and situation clutter (使……凌乱) sentences easily. Avoid those nouns which express a vague (含糊的) concept or an abstract idea and cannot picture a specific action.
   原句:She is an expert in the area of international relations. (在国际关系的领域中她是个专家。)
   修改后:She is an expert in international relations. (她是国际关系方面的专家。)
   3. Use words, not their definitions使用单词,而不是他们的定义
   Replace explanatory (解释的) phrases with a single word that encapsulates (概括) that explanation.
   原句: The crops also needed to be marketable so that families would be able to sell any yields that
   exceeded (超出) what they personally required. (通过市场买卖,那些家庭才能卖掉超过个人需求的收成。)
   修改后:The crops also needed to be marketable so that families would be able to sell any surplus (过剩产品). (通过市场买卖,那些家庭才能卖掉过剩产品。)
   4. Avoid long noun strings避免过长的名词语串
   When nouns are used to modify other nouns, readers have difficulty determining the logical relationships among the words in the string. The longer the noun string (名词语串) is, the longer it takes a reader unfamiliar with the term to figure it out (解决;弄明白). So rewrite sentences to eliminate (消除) nouns that are not needed in the noun string.
   原句:The lack of a secure transfer may hamper (妨碍;限制) computer security incident response efforts. (安全傳输的缺失可能会妨碍计算机安全事件响应的措施。)
Wuhan, a main large scale city in the central part of China and the capital city of Hubei Province. Hubei Province has long been considered as the thoroughfare that connecting nine provinces, it is ou
众所周知,手势语与人们的日常生活息息相关,但是,你知道吗?有时,同样的手势在不同的国家或地区含义迥然不同。因此,“When in Rome, do as the Romans do.(入乡随俗。)”仍然是我们应该恪守的重要规则,否则你会感到很尴尬的。  一、Gesture OK OK手势  In most cultures, the OK sign means “good” or “satisfa
如果你到紐约去,一定不会错过横跨纽约东河,雄伟的布鲁克林大桥。这座大桥建造之初被认为是“天方夜谭”;过程艰辛,工程师罗布林父子之中,父亲甚至为它献出了宝贵的生命,儿子也因它落下残疾。但什么样的困难也无法剥夺人们梦想的权利,因为对梦想的不懈坚持,这座“不可思议”的大桥而今得以傲然挺立。   This is a real life story of engineer John Roebling bu
Many saw it coming. Ethnically charged graffiti began appearing on buildings around town. The local newspapers published the locations of bomb shelters. A classmate told me not to sleep in my bedroom
One day, the father of a very wealthy family took his son on a trip to the country with the express purpose of showing him how poor people live. They spent a couple of days and nights on the farm of w
去了,去了,江南走远了。  那一朵曾无声绽放的墨荷,跟着江南走远了。黛瓦白墙,小桥流水,变成高楼大厦,车水马龙。那美丽而从未招摇的身影好似渐行,渐远,渐淡去。可我,仍执着于江南依旧,坚守着那份淡淡的荷香。  江南依旧否,我闻不见那花香。三月的柳絮不飞,污浊的流水从钢筋水泥桥下蜿蜒而过。沿岸垂柳枝头零落,那曾绿了江南岸的东风,此刻也只低低地叹息。却从未敢忘,记忆里氤氲在草长莺飞二月天里的那份花香。 
原来时间也会失误和出现意外,并因此迸裂,在某个房间里留下永恒的片段。  ——马尔克斯《百年孤独》  对于诗歌,我别无所求。除了真切的情感,不求怜悯,不求声名,不求和解。  ——德里克·沃尔科特  勇敢是:当你还未开始就已知道自己会输,可你仍然要去做,而且无论如何都要把它坚持到底。你很少能赢,但有时也会。  ——哈珀·李 《杀死一只知更鸟》  我生平不怕呆人,也不怕聪明过度的人,只是对着没有趣味的人
【摘 要】 新课标对高中英语的教学提出了新的标准。在这样的形势下,高中英文教学方法要进行革新。通过新的教学方法,提起学生学习的热情,从而使学生投入到自主学习中,提高他们各方面的英语素养。本文将对英语教学方法的创新提出一些新策略。  【关键词】 英语教学 创新教学   英语作为高中教学的重点科目,因此英语教学的质量是至关重要。在应试教育的体制下,英语教学曾向着注重分数而靠拢,不利于学生英语素质的提
为了促进阅读与作文英语版的编读互动,阅读与作文英语版编辑部特举办“牛气冲天”杯征文大赛,本次大赛共设置三个组别,每个组别分设3个奖项,各奖项征文要求和奖项设置如下:   原创作文奖:   参赛作品要求:   初高中在校生的英语原创作文,字数不限,体裁不限,要求必须为原创英语作文,电子形式发送到征稿邮箱:289966980@qq.com   投稿文件名:原创作文奖-初中/高中-姓名   稿
There are many expressions using the word“sun”. So today, let’s talk about the stories of the sun.   The first expression is about everything, everything under the sun. If you own a store that sold m