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1.为什么要制定公布《通用规范汉字表》?汉字规范化是文化教育和信息化建设的基础性工作,对促进经济社会发展、增进民族和地区间交流、维护民族团结和国家统一、传承和弘扬中华文化,都发挥着重要作用。研制公布《通用规范汉字表》主要有以下六个方面的原因:(1)新中国成立以来,中国相继发布了多项重要的汉字规范,主要有《第一批异体字整理表》《汉字简化方案》 1. Why should formulate and publish the “Chinese character table of common specifications?” Standardization of Chinese characters is a basic work of culture, education and information construction. It promotes social and economic development, enhances exchanges between ethnic groups and regions, and maintains national unity and national unity. Inheritance and development are carried out Chinese culture, all play an important role. There are six main reasons for the publication and publication of the “Chinese version of the Chinese character list”: (1) Since the founding of New China, China has successively released a number of important Chinese characters and specifications, including “the first batch of variant characters”, “simplified Chinese characters ”
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