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范乐春,女,永定县金砂古木督村人,生于一九○三年八月,贫农出身。一九二九年五月红四军入闽解放永定时参加革命,同年加入中国共产党。在党的培养和领导下,积极投入于伟大的革命斗争,从一个地主的女婢成长为出色的女共产党员,是闽西革命妇女的杰出代表。范乐春十二岁时父母相继去世,她带着年幼的弟弟,到地主家当女婢,做牛马活,吃猪狗食,苦不堪言。十六岁结婚,因夫家 Fan Lechun, female, Yongding Jinsha ancient Mudu village, was born in August, 1903, poor peasant origin. In May 1929 the Red Army joined the revolution in Fujian and Yongding, and joined the Communist Party of China in the same year. Under the party’s training and leadership, he actively devoted himself to the great revolutionary struggle and grew from a landowner’s nuwa into an outstanding female Communist Party member. He is an outstanding representative of the revolutionary women in western Fujian. Fan Le-chun 12-year-old parents have died, she took a young brother, to the landlord as Nu Wa, do cattle and horses live, eat pigs and dogs, miserable. 16-year-old married, because of her husband’s home
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