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《元史礼乐志五》宴乐之器记有中统年间(12621~1264)回回国进献簧管乐器‘与隆笙’一事,仁宗延祐年间(1314~1320),玉辰乐院判官郑秀又会据以制作‘殿庭笙’十。明万历28年12月21日(1601年1月24日),利玛突 Matheo Ricci(1552~1610)一行二次抵达北京,神宗进献贡品中,除天帝画像、天后画像、天帝经、十字架、自鸣钟、万国与画外,尚有原文为manicordio 之西琴一张,列于清单第九项,此琴又被称为‘大西洋琴’、‘天琴’、‘雅琴’、‘钱系琴’、‘钱琴’、‘七十二弦琴’、‘翼琴’、‘手琴’、‘番琴’等,即今称之古铜琴或挚弦古铜琴 Clavirchord。崇祯十二年(1639),意大利耶稣 “Yuanshi ritual music five” feast of music recorded in the reign of the year (12621 ~ 1264) returned to the country into the reed instrument ’and the Longsheng’ event, Renzong Yan You years (1314 ~ 1320), Yuchen Confession judge Zheng Show will be based on the production of ’Ting Ting Sheng’ ten. Ming Wanli On December 21, 281 (January 24, 1601), Matheo Ricci (1552 ~ 1610) arrived in Beijing on a second trip. Among the sacrificial tributes made by Emperor Shenzong, apart from the portraits of Emperor Tianjian, The Portrait of Tian Hou, the Canon of Heaven, the cross , From the bell, all nations and painting, there is a manuscript of the original of the Westin a manicurist, listed in the ninth list, the piano is also known as the ’Atlantic,’ ’Lyra,’ Yaqin, ’money The piano, the piano, the piano, the piano, the piano, the piano, the piano, the so-called bronze or cordon Clavirchord. Chongzhen twelve years (1639), Jesus Christ of Italy
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历史篇:1.R.E.M.的来历 摇滚乐总是在追求新鲜感.新的声音、新的形象、新的态度。但是到 了80年代初、似乎这一切都荡然无存了。R.E. M,正是在此时走上了历史舞台。 R.E.M(Rapid Eye  Movement )是一个精神病学和医学
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本文对形成我国药房药师业务素质不高的原因作了深刻的分析,并在此基础上提出了为提高医院药房药师的业务素质,我们应采取的措施。 This article makes a profound analysis o