Module 9 Units 1—2 巩固操练

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  Unit 1
  1. Happy and c ________, he sits in the cosy armchair, enjoying the meal.
  2. His a________________answer to the proposal made us confused about whether we should carry it out or not.
  3. It is widely acknowledged that primary school is c________________for all children.
  4. He is said to have shown great perseverance in his work. That was why he was a________________as the manager of the company.
  5. The IT company r________________first in this field for its advanced engineers as well as its new equipment.
  6. With his parents coming to his________________(帮助), Mr Wang quit smoking successfully.
  7. For new________________(移民) who want to apply for a permanent resident card or Canadian citizenship, they need to find information about how to start your life in Canada.
  8. With some________________(装饰品) put on the Christmas tree, the tree looks more beautiful.
  9.________________ (起初), his goal was to set up a foundation to help orphans in urban areas.
  10. His________________(联系) happiness with the amount of money turned out to be wrong.
  seek one’s fortune; little more than; be charged with; in terms of; be home to; on behalf of sb.; sentence sb. to death; turn over; owe... to...; in particular
  1.________________ practical skills, no one is equal to him in his field.
  2. A good man________________ the crime of theft, which was unbelievable.
  3. As we all know, the general manager will________________ his company to his son after his retirement.
  4. It was his parents that supported him to go to school. So he________________ all his achievement________________ them.
  5. Many migrant workers went to ShenZhen to________________, but in vain.
  6. He is proud of himself, so he will not admire any one________________.
  7. The city of Belfast________________ Queen’s University of Belfast and Belfast College of Technology.
  8. With________________ 5 days left, he realized what he completed was just part of the homework.
  9. Their son________________ because of murder, which made the old couple break down.
  10. He will be present at the meeting________________ all the employees.
  Canada, the second________1________country as well as the best country for living in the world,________2________the two great oceans—the Atlantic and the Pacific. Famous for its natural scenery, it is a huge country with vast mountain ranges, enormous open plains, countless rivers and seemingly endless forests. It is a paradise for those who love outdoor________3 . One is________4________to hike, sail, cross-country ski or travel by snowmobile for days without meeting another person.   Toronto, which is said to be the most multicultural city in the world, has________5________from Ireland, Portugal, China, Lebanon, Italy and Vietnam. Montreal, the second largest city in Canada,________6________Old World and New World architecture and culture. Vancouver is not________7________in size, but it has superb scenery, a beautiful harbour and all the comforts of modern life and international cuisine. Edmonton, home to the West Edmonton Mall, also________8________lots of visitors every year.
  Another famous________9________in Canada is Niagara Falls, which is shaped like a semicircle. The Falls fall 56 metres in an awesome white sheet of water. Finally, when visiting Canada during the autumn, it is________10________for one to see Canada’s national symbol—the maple leaf.
  There is no________1________that Australians love sport. However, their________2________to sport does not mean that most of them do sport. As a matter of fact about three fourths of Australians are________3________to just sit in their armchairs and watch. That’s why many Australians are overweight. Still, Australia is considered to be a great sporting nation. The following three factors________4________to this. Firstly, the climate there is________5 and the weather conditions are perfect.________6 , there is plenty of space, including many seaside areas. Best of all, Australians have enough free time to take part in sport. Therefore, Australians do different kinds of sports, such as swimming, tennis and football.
  Any Australian will be proud to tell you that Australia is really a sporting nation because in most________7________competitions, Australian athletes win a great percentage of medals. For example, their performance in the 2004 Olympic Games was really amazing, considering its small________8 .
  In________9 , everything taken into consideration, Australia is________10________a great sporting nation.
  1. —Where did you find this book?
  —It was in Xin Hua bookstore________________ my uncle works.
  A. that B. which
  C. where D. what
  2. No one________________ be admitted into the tall building unless he can give the right password.
  A. should B. will
  C. shall D. would
  3. It was at that moment that he knew he didn’t need to be afraid to make mistakes.________________, he knew that mistakes were just opportunities for learning something new.   A. Instead B. However
  C. Therefore D. Otherwise
  4.________________ at my desk, I can hardly wait to share with you the exciting news that my presentation received a flood of favorable comments from both the judges and audience.
  A. Sitting B. Seating
  C. Having sat D. Sat
  5. Her selfless________________ to her cause won her boss’s praise.
  A. devotion B. content
  C. equipment D. ambition
  6.________________ that he has a lot of work experience, he was admitted to the company in advance.
  A. Considered B. Having considered
  C. Considering D. Being considered
  7. Mr Chen delivered a speech________________ our school on how to arouse students’ interest in learning English.
  A. in terms of B. on behalf of
  C. in honour of D. by means of
  8. More time________________, the students could have finished the test better.
  A. has been given B. given
  C. is given D. had given
  9. He was on the point of giving up when a________________ appeared.
  A. perspiration B. spiration
  C. aspiration D. inspiration
  10.________________ themselves with sufficient knowledge about urban life, Chinese expert calls for sustainable lifestyle in urbanization process.
  A. Equipped B. Equipping
  C. Having equipped D. Being equipped
  11. With wrong decisions________________, they lost the battle.
  A. making B. to make
  C. having made D. made
  12. No one else has________________ solution to the problem, for he was an expert in this field.
  A. a better B. the better
  C. the best D. a best
  13. Role model is________________ an example, it tells us what we should follow.
  A. little more than B. no more than
  C. more than D. less than
  14. To his satisfaction, his company was________________ to a reliable person.
  A. turned down B. turned away
  C. turned over D. turned out
  15. His wife sacrificed a lot to his family,________________ he knew well.
  A. about whom B. about which
  C. in which D. about where
  Unit 2
  1. A new headmaster will be a________________ when the old one retires next year.
  2. Positive a________________would be given to students who performed well in the performance.
  3. Lack of communication can cause f________________between people, even if closest friends.   4. Genius is 1% i________________and 99% perspiration.
  5. Big countries don’t try to direct the a________________ of other countries.
  6. She is officially r________________(as) disabled.
  7. Many people complain that they have been c________________too much for some unimportant treatment in the hospital.
  8. They are putting up________________ (裝饰品) for the festival.
  9. I waited patiently hoping that someone would come to my________________ (帮助).
  10. The government has strengthened________________(管理) to protect these historic sites.
  in terms of; under construction; it is apparent that; be charged with; on behalf of;
  sentence... to death; apart from; be registered as; appoint... as; under the protection of
  1. Ladies and gentleman,________________ our government, I’d like to extend a sincere welcome and heartfelt gratitude.
  2. The new bridge is still________________.
  3. This Palace is different from that one________________ architecture.
  4.________________ the Qing Tombs are influenced by the Ming Tombs, especially in terms of architecture and the way they are placed among the surrounding mountains and valleys.
  5. He________________ murdering that child.
  6. The prisoner________________ by the Supreme Court for murdering his wife.
  7. He has just________________ director of our company.
  8.________________ providing money, he offered them food and clothes.
  9. As is known to all, the Masters Net Garden, one of Suzhou’ famous gardens, is on the World Heritage List and now________________ the government.
  10. He avoided the dangers________________ his mother.
  The Acropolis is the greatest symbol of Athens, where the Greek civilization was________1 . In the Acropolis, there are three________2________to Athena: the Parthenon, the Erechtheum, and the Temple of Nike.
  The Acropolis, made of marble, has been damaged partly by natural forces like earthquakes, and partly by man. The________3________from Italy and Turkey brought it much________4 . The last major destruction of this kind occurred with the theft of many of the best sculptures in 1801. Moreover, some damage has been caused unintentionally by people and some has been caused deliberately. There is also the problem of industrial pollution.
  5________1835, the Greek government has begun to try to restore the construction.________6 , some damage has been caused because of the________7________restoration.   So, in 1975, the Greek government set up a________8________to undertake the restoration of the Acropolis. In 1987, the monument received a World Heritage listing from UNESCO. Since then, much progress has been made in reconstructing and________9________the monument, hoping that the Acropolis will be brought to its former glory. Important________10________work is also being carried on in order to enable our next generations to enjoy this historic monument.
  1.________________ 2.________________ 3.________________ 4.________________
  5.________________ 6.________________ 7.________________ 8.________________
  9.________________ 10.________________
  1. They often________________ money with happiness, which is considered wrong.
  A. associate B. register
  C. sentence D. divore
  2. Our path in life is not always________________, we must have a positive mind to it.
  A. autonomous B. clumsy
  C.smooth D. rough
  3. The marathon was created________________ a Greek soldier who ran from Marathon to Athens.
  A. in honour of B. in memory of
  C. in charge of D. in place of
  4. It didn’t________________ him that they finally reached a compromise .
  A. amount to B. occur to
  C. equal to D. lead to
  5. We took our umbrellas with us when we went out________________ us from a heavy rain.
  A. so as to ban
  B. in order to preserve
  C. in the gesture to prevent
  D. in a gesture to protect
  6. Whom do you expect to have________________ the problem of overloaded school buses?
  A. solved B. solving
  C. to solve D. solve
  7. She has her things________________before leaving home.
  A. examine B. to examine
  C. examined D. examing
  8. The best moment for her was________________she scored the winning point.
  A. how B. that
  C. when D. what
  9. At the meeting place of the two rivers________________, which is rich in seafood.
  A. lies a small village
  B. a small village lies
  C. does lie a small village
  D. does a small village lie
  10.________________ she will pass the examination depends on her own efforts as well as her will.
  A. How B. Whether
  C. When D. That
  11. The question came at the meeting________________ we would finish the task before the deadline.
  A. whether B. how
  C. when D. that   12.________________ in the front are students from International School.
  A. Having sitted B. Sitted
  C. Sit D. Sitting
  13. It is believed that Guangdong is China’s largest province________________ foreign trade volume.
  A. in spite of B. in case of
  C. in favor of D. in terms of
  14. He places too much________________ on luck rather than his efforts, so he did not pass the test.
  A. assistance B. decoration
  C. stress D. strengthen
  15. Word came________________ our company will organize a trip for the benefit of all employees.
  A. why B. whether
  C. that D. how
  Unit 1
  1. content 2. ambiguous 3. compulsory
  4. appointed 5. ranked 6. assistance
  7. immigrations 8. decorations 9. Originally 10. association
  1. In terms of 2. was charged with 3. turn over 4. owed... to 5. seek their fortune
  6. in particular 7. is home to 8. little more than 9. was sentenced to death 10. on behalf of
  1. largest 2. borders 3. activities 4. likely
  5. residents / immigrants
  6. mixes 7. small 8. attracts 9. resort 10. fortunate
  1. denying 2. devotion 3. content 4. contribute 5. mild 6. Secondly 7. international
  8. population 9. conclusion 10. indeed
  1—5 CCAAA 6—10 CBBDC 11—15 DACCB
  Unit 2
  1. appointed 2. assessment 3. friction 4. inspiration 5. affair
  6. registered 7. charged 8 decorations 9. assistance 10. regulations
  1. on behalf of 2. under construction 3. in terms of 4. It is apparent that 5. was charged with
  6. has been sentenced to death 7. been appointed as 8. Apart from 9. has been registered as 10. under the protection of
  1. born 2. temples 3. attacks 4. damage
  5. Since 6. However 7. unsuccessful
  8. committee 9. protecting 10. educational
  1—5 ACABD 6—10 DCCAB 11—15 ADDCC
所谓细节描写,就是在细细微末节之处对事物的具体状态作细致的描绘和摹写。如对人物的一举一动细腻刻画,对人物活动的环境作特写描摹,对发展环节中的细小物体进行放大。  细节描写主要作用是刻画人物性格,塑造人物形象。一个个传神的细节,犹如人体身上的细胞,没有了它,人就失去了生命;文章少了细节,人物形象就失去了血肉和神采。  记叙文的生命力在于细节描写。我们学生在作文里缺少的不是把某件事写完整的能力,而是缺
我国著名数学家华罗庚说过:“形缺数时难入微,数缺形时少直观”,面对一个比较复杂的、比较抽象的代数问题,如果我们能构造几何模型,变“数”为“形”,用图形的办法,把它描述刻画出来,把数量关系的问题转化为图形性质和位置关系的问题,会使这个对象简明、形象,更容易理解,有助于探索解决问题的思路,这就是解题攻略之“变形“计,下举几例说明.  一、变多元等式问题为两条曲线的位置关系  解题攻略反思:该题涉及到三
[原文]  窃 贼  (法) 阿·康帕尼尔  “是的,我是个窃贼。”老头伤心地说,“可我一辈子只偷过一次。那是一次最奇特的扒窃。我偷了一个装满钱的钱包。”  “这没有什么稀奇的。”我打断他道。  “请让我说下去。当我把偷到的钱包打开装进自己的衣兜时,我身上的钱并没有增加一个子儿。”  “那钱包是空的?”  “恰恰相反,里面装满了钞票。”  我走近那老头,又给他斟了一杯葡萄酒。他开始讲述自己的经历:
一、文章结构分析意义  任何一篇文章都有自己的思路,而文章思路就是按照一定的条理由此及彼表达思想的路径和脉络。把握了文章结构,才有可能真正理解文章,与作者产生思想上的共鸣,看破出题者思路,高效解答考题。  二、如何分析文章结构  1. 辨明文体,选择角度  文体不同,作者处理文章结构的层次也不同。例如:议论文是作者对某个问题或某个事情进行分析,评论,表明自己的观点、立场、态度、看法和主张的问题。这
一、题型设置  江苏省从2008年开始将对话填空改为任务型阅读。安徽省英语高考题自2009年启用任务型阅读题型。高考《考试说明》在对“任务型阅读”的解释中给出了两篇示例:表格型和树状型。江苏2008年、2009年、2010年和2015年高考任务型阅读为表格型; 江苏2011年、2012年、2013年和2014年高考任务型阅读为树状型。题型要求是根据所读内容在表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词, 注
【摘 要】 本文以古田县屏湖红生物科技有限公司为例,通过对屏湖红生物科技有限公司的实地调研,全面的研究总结了工业旅游的概念、特点、现状以及所存在的问题,最后详细论述了对该企业发展工业旅游营销的主要对策研究。  【关键词】古田红曲酒厂;工业旅游;营销;对策研究  1 工业旅游的概念研究  我国最早给出工业旅游定义的是裴泽生和阎友兵学者,他们认为工业旅游是游客通过参观生产地和生产流程以及进行现场购物等
一、相同点:    1.选材主题相同。  两套试卷所选诗歌都为宋代爱国词人壮志难酬的英雄悲歌。江苏卷的《满江红登黄鹤楼有感》写于岳飞出兵收复襄阳六州驻节鄂州时。全词先写在黄鹤楼之上遥望北方失地,引起对故国往昔“繁华”的回忆。所以说岳飞的这首词应该说是英雄的悲歌。  和江苏卷一样,海南、宁夏卷所选的是辛弃疾的《鹧鸪天代人赋》,也是写宋代爱国词人壮志难酬的感慨。辛弃疾的词本以沉雄豪放见长,这首却很清丽
在文言文中有很多作者没有在字面上直接说出来,但根据其前后语境却的确是有这样的意思存在的语句,我们就称这样的句子叫做“语意省略句”。  “木受绳则直,金就砺则利”这里的“木”和“金”都是极其含混的概念,加工前的“木”是木,加工之后的“木”还是木;磨砺之前的“金”是金,磨砺之后的“金”依然也是金,但我们联系整个《劝学》的语境,却不难发现加工、磨砺前后的“木”和“金”是不同的,加工磨砺之前的“木”和“金