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The Ejina( Gaxun Nur) Basin-enclosed by the Tibetan Plateau in the south and the Gobi Altay in the north hascontinuously evolved as a strong continental endorheic depositional environment. Medium scale geomorphological mappingby Landsat- and Corona-Images as well as SRTM-topographic data, combined with field-surveys and geophysicalinvestigation provides evidence for tectonic impact on sedimentary processes during the Late Quaternary.Analyses of SRTM-Data and Landsat-Images reveal a system of up to 20m high inverted channels developed on theinactive eastern part of the large Hei river drainage delta south of the ancient lake Juyanze. The complex evolution of theselandforms requires a relative lowering of the lake basin at least two times since the last 40ka. A 26m high cliff section ofgravel-covered lake sediments within the Juyanze paleolake indicates a strong subsidence of the lake bottom of 10m/1000yrssince 18kaB. P.North of Ejina river oasis a distinct north-south striking scarp up to 13m high constitutes the eastern margin of theGaxun Nur. Palaeodrainage channels derived from the Gobi Altay. They display a sinistral offset of some decametres alonga set of WE-trending faults. The rhombic shape of the modern dry Gaxun Nur, fossil cliffs,well preserved beach ridges alongthe margins of the palaeolake system as well as gravel covered topsets of lacustrine sediments indicate local displacements ofmorphological features. The displacements of lake sediments at the southern margin of the modern Gaxun Nur Basin imply asubsidence of at least 0.81m/1000 yrs since 25kaB. P. as a result of a pull-apart development due to the left stepping faultsin a sinistral system. The Ejina (Gaxun Nur) Basin-enclosed by the Tibetan Plateau in the south and the Gobi Altay in the north hascontinuously evolved as a strong continental endorheic depositional environment. Medium scale geomorphological mapping by Landsat- and Corona-Images as well as SRTM-topographic data , combined with field-surveys and geophysical investigation provided evidence for tectonic impact on sedimentary processes during the Late Quaternary. An analysis of SRTM-Data and Landsat-Images reveal a system of up to 20m high inverted channels developed on the active eastern part of the large Hei river drainage delta south of the ancient lake Juyanze. The complex evolution of theselandforms requires a relative lowering of the lake basin at least two times since the last 40ka. A 26m high cliff section ofgravel-covered lake sediments within the Juyanze paleolake indicates a strong subsidence of the lake bottom of 10m / 1000yrssince 18kaB. P. North of Ejina river oasis a distinct north-south striking scarp up to 13m high constitutes the eastern margin of the Gaxun Nur. Palaeodrainage channels derived from the Gobi Altay. They display a sinistral offset of some decametres alonga set of WE-trending faults. The rhombic shape of the modern dry Gaxun Nur, fossil cliffs, well preserved beach ridges along the margins of the palaeolake system as well as gravel covered topsets of lacustrine sediments indicate local displacements ofmorphological features. The displacements of lake sediments at the southern margin of the modern Gaxun Nur Basin imply asubsidence of at least 0.81m / 1000 yrs since 25kaB P. as a result of a pull-apart development due to the left stepping faultsin a sinistral system.
葛红兵 1968年生,评论家,作家。文学博士,教授,上海大学中文系副主任,中国当代文学研究会理事、中国文艺理论学会理事,英国剑桥大学高级访问学者,新加坡南洋理工大学高级研究
这个月就要去伦敦看奥运会,一晃,2008北京奥运已经过去4年。我不是体育迷,但却和体育营销结缘,2005年南京十届全运会时就开始作为赞助企业代表,到后来参与北京奥运、和其它大型国际体育组织有越来越多的合作,不敢夸口从中积累了多少经验,但至少能明辨许多“专家”对体育营销得失总结之类的外行说法。真是纸上得来终觉浅,绝知此事要躬行。  国际赞助商的秘密  做事之前,考虑投资成本和回报是很自然的事。北京申