About 60-80% of hemangiomas occur in the oropharynx and face. In benign oropharyngeal tumors, 19.1%. Hemangiomas often damage both the oropharynx and the back of the mouth (tongue roots, soft palate, and wing gaps). The authors observed 53 cases of different types of hemangiomas located in the oropharynx and in the back of the mouth: there were 20 spongy types, 18 capillary types, 9 multi-branches, and 6 complex types. There are 20 males and 33 females. Age 16 to 53 years old. The diagnosis of hemangiomas is not difficult in most cases, but it is sometimes difficult to determine the true depth of the lesions. A feasible tumor puncture is performed, and blood is continuously aspirated from different depths. If you stop entering the bloodstream in the syringe, it indicates that you have pierced the boundaries of the tumor. Suspected hemangioma damage bone tissue or to check the blood vessels should be X-ray examination. Multi-support type