
来源 :老年学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jklzqren12
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本文从老年人口现状及分布,老年人多发病,老年入死因及长寿老人和地区的调查等方面,介绍了目前中国老年流行病学概况。老年人的分布是沿海多于内地,城市多于农村,但90岁及其以上的长寿老人分布有所不同。1979年以来,全国很多地区对老年人的健康普查和流行病学调查作了大量的工作,老年人的多发病在全国基本一致,但各疾病的患病率在不同地区有明显的差异。这与地区气候、自然环境、生活习惯、卫生条件及老年人的生活与健康水平有密切关系。关于老年人的死因,绝大多数是死于疾病,而疾病以脑血管病、心血管病、恶性肿瘤及呼吸系感染为主。各地区老年人死因中的首位疾病虽有不同,但均未超出这四种病。而这四种病恰是1975年以来全国人口死亡统计的前四个死因。说明中国近年来人口死亡年龄显著后移,长寿老人的调查及其居住地区的资料都具有一定的特点,文章对出现上述现象的影响因素作了初步分析。 This article introduces the current situation of geriatric epidemiology in China from the aspects of the status quo and distribution of the elderly population, the frequent occurrence of the elderly, the causes of death in old age, and the survey of elderly and regions with longevity. The distribution of the elderly is more in the coastal areas than in the interior, and the cities are more numerous than the rural areas. However, the distribution of elderly people aged 90 or over is different. Since 1979, a lot of work has been done on the health survey and epidemiological survey of the elderly in many areas of the country. The majority of the elderly are basically the same in the country, but the prevalence of various diseases is significantly different in different regions. This is closely related to regional climate, natural environment, living habits, health conditions and the living and health of the elderly. Most of the death causes of the elderly are due to illness, and the disease is mainly caused by cerebrovascular disease, cardiovascular disease, malignant tumor and respiratory infection. The first disease among the causes of death of elderly people in different regions is different, but none of them exceeds these four diseases. These four diseases are the four leading causes of death statistics in the country since 1975. It shows that the age of death in China has shifted significantly in recent years. The investigation of elderly people with longevity and the data of their living areas all have certain characteristics. The article makes a preliminary analysis of the influencing factors of these phenomena.
本文介绍草酸钙结晶的形成、性质、形态与分类和分布规律,探讨了草酸钙结晶在中药鉴定学上的应用价值。 This paper introduces the formation, properties, morphology, cla
一、自我的恒定性的剖析自我的同一性包括自我的恒定性和可变性 ,没有可变性 ,人就不可能向前发展 ,要了解个体的发展 ,必须解决自我的同一性问题。自我的同一性是指“自己意