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  1. 用词要简洁
  (1) 删除多余词语。例如:
  It happened that Mr. Yap was elected to the position of Chairman of the well-established Singapore Literature Society that existed in this country. 这个句子内容简单,却有一个主句和两个从句,显然复杂了些,可以简化如下:
  Mr. Yap was elected Chairman of this country’s well-established Singapore Literature Society.
  (2) 避免同义反复。例如:
  David called me up on the phone. 这里的“on the phone”和动词短语“called up”意义重复,需要将它删掉,或把句子改写为David called me up. / David telephoned me.
  (3) 选词弃繁就简。例如:
  John walked very hastily down the street leading to the bus station. 句中的“walked very hastily”如改为“hurried”岂不更好?
  2. 选词要准确
  (1) 注意中英词语不同的表达方式
  1)请开门。 Please open the door.
  2)我打开了电视机。 I turned on the TV set.
  3)我们正在开会。 We are having a meeting.
  4)水开了。 The water is boiling.
  5)他正在开小汽车。 He is driving a car.
  6)他开飞机。 He flew a plane.
  7)他开了一家工厂。 He is running a factory.
  8)他去年开过刀。 He was operated on last year.
  9)他向敌人开火。 He fired at the enemy.
  10)不要和他开玩笑。 Don’t play a joke with him.
  (2) 注意中英词汇不同的文化内涵
  英语词汇文化内涵极为丰富,与汉语存在着很多不对应的现象,这些不对应的词汇,使用时就要特别注意。如drugstore 并不与汉语中的“药店”对等,drugstore 在美国除了出售药物之外,还可以卖食物、饮料等。landlord与汉语中的“地主”意义也大相径庭。politician含有贬义,指那些为追求名利不择手段往上爬的“政客”,而汉语中“政治家”一词往往含有褒义。中国的农民不能称为“peasant”,因为英语中的peasant含有“乡下人,乡吧佬,粗鲁人”之意。free love不是“自由恋爱”,而是“泛爱、滥爱”。boyfriend, girlfriend并不一定就是汉语意义上的“男朋友,女朋友”。
  (3) 注意相似词语细微的用法差异
  例如home, family和house,它们都可译为“家”,但它们的含义是不一样的。home指一家人共同生活的地方,不一定含有建筑物的意思,而特别强调家的氛围和环境,是一个带有感情色彩的词。如:Be it ever humble, there is no place like home. “家再怎样简陋,也没有任何地方可比得上家”;family主要指家庭成员,不指住房。如:My family are music lovers. “我们家都是音乐爱好者”;house住宅;指居住的房屋。They are to move to new houses. “他们将迁入新居”。
  3. 用词要灵活
  利用:use—make use of—take advantage of;
  加快:quicken—speed up;
  导致:bring about—lead to—cause—create—give rise to—result in
  ④合成词:oil-rich countries,a five-year plan,home-made TV sets,absent-minded drivers, warm-hearted teachers等。掌握了这些规律,写作时使用词汇就会更灵活,可信手拈来地表达。
  现行中考写作评分标准对语言表达的多样性提出了较高的要求,鼓励考生尽量使用较复杂的结构或词语。所以学生在写作中既要使用简单句,也要学会使用结构复杂的复合句、并列句,来增加文章的“亮点”和“得分点”。   1. 学会一句多译
  It doesn’t matter whether you support us or not.
  It makes no difference whether you are for us or not.
  It is of no matter whether you are in favor of us or not.
  Whether you support us or not doesn’t matter.
  2. 学会改变句式
  (1) 使用倒装句。如:
  原句:I have never seen such a good film.
  亮化为:Never have I seen such a good film.
  (2) 使用强调句。
  原句:The beauty of nature attracts me.
  亮化为:It is the beauty of nature that attracts me.
  (3) 使用复合句
  原句:He cheated in the examination. It made the teacher very angry.
  亮化为:He cheated in the examination, which made the teacher very angry.
  (4) 使用感叹句
  原句:He regretted wasting so much time in playing the video games.
  亮化为:How he regretted wasting so much time in playing the video games.
  (5) 使用省略句
  原句:If it is possible, we will help you.
  亮化为:If possible, we will help you.
  (6) 使用分词结构
  原句:After I had written the letter, I went to the post office.
  亮化为:Having written the letter, I went to the post office.
  (7) 使用平行结构。在写作中,正确使用平行结构(或称并列结构)不仅使句子流畅,句意清晰,而且能节约篇幅,增加美感。
  原句:The world is a comedy to those who think, and it is a tragedy to those who feel.
  亮化为:The world is a comedy to those who think, a tragedy to those who feel.
  (8) 使用独立主格结构
  原句:My hometown is very beautiful and there are many green trees around it.
  亮化为:My hometown is very beautiful with many green trees around it.
  (9) 改变句中修饰语和插入语的位置。
  原句:The little boy went to bed, cold and hungry.
  亮化为:The little boy, cold and hungry, went to bed.
  (10) 改变主宾位置
  原句:He will never forgive this.
  亮化为:This he will never forgive.
A fourth-grade teacher was giving her pupils a lesson on logic.   “Here is the situation,” she said. “A man is standing up in a boat in the middle of a river, fishing. He loses his balance, falls in,
Three boys were bragging (吹牛,自吹) about their fathers.   The first one said, “My father runs so fast that he can shoot(射) an arrow(箭), start running, and get there before the arrow!”  The second one sa
1. Aunt Gold Pheasant is killed near Village Green Hill. The detective decides the case happened at about 5:30 this morning. 锦鸡大婶被杀死在青山村附近。探长推断案发时间在今晨5点30分左右。     2. Chief Detective Baboon looks a
Ⅰ. 根据图片写出下列国家的名称。        Ⅱ. 根据句意和首字母提示完成句中的单词。  1. New York is a c________ in the United States.  2. A________ you from Japan?  3. My pen pal l________ in Tokyo.  4. People from C________ speak Englis
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【英语阅读理解分类练习参考答案】  应用文: passage 1 1~5 BDADBpassage 2 1~5 CBACB  记叙文: passage 1 1~5 ADABCpassage 2 1~5 CADDA  议论文: passage 1 1~5 BCADC passage 2 1~5 CDCAD  说明文: passage 1 1~5 DCABBpassage 2 1~5 BBDAC   
《中学生英语》在注重培养和提高学生英语水平能力的同时,也密切关注着各种英语考试,特别是全国各地中考的动态,每年分析中考考点的分布和落点状况,从而在编辑工作中能精确地为初三的读者朋友提供中考英语考试信息。可以毫不夸张地说,每年全国各地中考的考点尽在《中学生英语》掌握之中。   我们通过认真分析和对比,2008年武汉市中考至少50分以上可在《中学生英语》及《步步为营决胜中考》中直接找到答案,很多题目设
摘要:基于Zope借助Plone建立了一个教学网站和一个物理习题库。  关键词:教据库技术 教学网站 习题库 Zope  中图分类号:TP393.09 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1002-2422(2008)03-0042-02    1 数据库技术    Zope的对象数据库的设计思想,特别适合于文档管理,知识管理,群件系统等。Plone便是一个基于Zope而设计出的功能异常强大的内容管理系统。
The story tells us: Only by working hard all the time can you succeed. 这个故事告诉我们:只有不断努力,才有可能获得成功。    1. At the end of Western Jin Dynasty, wars go on year after year. People become homeless and live a
【中考英语阅读理解分类介绍及例文参考答案】  记叙文:Passage 1 1~5 ABDAC Passage 2 1~5 CCDDA  议论文: Passage 1 1~5 CDBAB Passage 2 1~5 ACCBA  说明文: Passage 1 1~5 CABBA Passage 2 1~4 BACB  应用文: passage 1 1~4 CDBA passage 2 1~4 DBA