
来源 :神经解剖学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:christopherq
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以大鼠和树作为研究材料,在脑桥下缘切断一侧锥体束,用HRP逆行标记和计算机三维重构观察锥体束神经元在皮层的分布,以及在光镜和电镜下观察锥体束神经元和GABA能神经元的关系。逆行标记的锥体来神经元主要分布于皮层的运动区和体感区,在枕区、扣带区、颞区和屏状皮层中都有少量分布。树锥体束神经元的总数是大鼠的1.5倍,用计算机重构显示HRP标记的锥体束神经元在脑内吻尾方向上的分布跨度比大鼠小,故其分布范围较大鼠集中,密度较高,且其中大细胞也较多.树的锥体来神经元长径在15μm以上者占74.0%;大鼠则占62.9%。在电镜下观察这些锥体束神经元的胞体上全分布着对称型的突触,其中既有GABA能,也有非GA-BA能者。不同胞体上接受GABA能和非GABA能突触的比例不同,一种较大的胞体上GABA与non-GABA阳性终末相比,前者数量大(13:3)而较小的胞体上则相反,两者的数量相比,为7:18。大鼠和树的锥体束神经元胞体的单位周长上接受的突触数目也不同,树锥体束神经元胞体的10μm单位周长上分布有4.4个突触。大鼠则为3.4个。随着动物进化锥体束神经元接受突触的数目有增加的趋势. Using the rat and the tree as the research materials, the pyramidal tract was cut off at the inferior border of the pons. The distribution of pyramidal tract neurons in the cortex was observed by HRP retrograde labeling and computerized three-dimensional reconstruction. The pyramidal neurons were observed under light and electron microscopes Relationship between Bone Neurons and GABAergic Neurons. Retrogradely labeled pyramidal neurons are mainly located in the motor and somatosensory regions of the cortex, with a small distribution in the occipital, cingulate, temporal, and cortical layers. The total number of pyramidal tract neurons in rat is 1.5 times of that of the rats. Computer reconstruction shows that HRP-labeled pyramidal tract neurons distribute less in the direction of the tail in the brain than in rats Rat concentration, high density, and large cells are more. The pyramidal neurons in the tree account for 74.0% of the neurons with a major diameter of 15 μm or more, while the rats account for 62.9% of the total. Observed by electron microscopy, the pyramidal tract neurons in the whole body of the symmetry of synapses distributed, both GABA and non-GA-BA can. Unlike the percentage of GABAergic and non-GABAergic synapses accepted on different cell bodies, the larger GABA on the cell body is larger in number than the non-GABA-positive terminal (13: 3) and the smaller on the soma , The number of the two compared to 7:18. The number of synapses received per unit circumference of pyramidal tract neurons in rat and tree also varied, and 4.4 synapses were distributed on 10 μm unit perimeter of pyramidal tract neurons. There were 3.4 rats. As animals evolved, the number of synaptic neurons receiving pyramidal neurons increased.
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