Impact of postoperative glycemic control and nutritional status on clinical outcomes after total pan

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mervin10183
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AIM To evaluate the impact of glycemic control and nutritional status after total pancreatectomy(TP) on complications, tumor recurrence and overall survival.METHODS Retrospective records of 52 patients with pancreatic tumors who underwent TP were collected from 2007 to 2015. A series of clinical parameters collected before and after surgery, and during the follow-up were evaluated. The associations of glycemic control and nutritional status with complications, tumor recurrence and long-term survival were determined. Risk factors for postoperative glycemic control and nutritional status were identified.RESULTS High early postoperative fasting blood glucose(FBG) levels(OR = 4.074, 95%CI: 1.188-13.965, P = 0.025) and low early postoperative prealbumin levels(OR = 3.816, 95%CI: 1.110-13.122, P = 0.034) were significantly associated with complications after TP. Postoperative Hb A1 c levels over 7%(HR = 2.655, 95%CI: 1.299-5.425, P = 0.007) were identified as one of the independent risk factors for tumor recurrence. Patients with postoperative Hb A1 c levels over 7% had much poorer overall survival than those with Hb A1 c levels less than 7%(9.3 mo vs 27.6 mo, HR = 3.212, 95%CI: 1.147-8.999, P = 0.026). Patients with long-term diabetes mellitus(HR = 15.019, 95%CI: 1.278-176.211, P= 0.031) and alcohol history(B = 1.985, SE = 0.860, P = 0.025) tended to have poor glycemic control and lower body mass index levels after TP, respectively.CONCLUSION At least 3 mo are required after TP to adapt to diabetes and recover nutritional status. Glycemic control appears to have more influence over nutritional status on longterm outcomes after TP. Improvement in glycemic control and nutritional status after TP is important to prevent early complications and tumor recurrence, and improve survival. AIM To evaluate the impact of glycemic control and nutritional status after total pancreatectomy (TP) on complications, tumor recurrence and overall survival. METHODS Retrospective records of 52 patients with pancreatic tumors who underwent were was collected from 2007 to 2015. A series of clinical parameters collected before and after surgery, and during the follow-up were evaluated. The associations of glycemic control and nutritional status with complications, tumor recurrence and long-term survival were determined. early postoperative fasting blood glucose (FBG) levels (OR = 4.074, 95% CI: 1.188-13.965, P = 0.025) and low early postoperative prealbumin levels (OR = 3.816, 95% CI: 1.110-13.122, P = 0.034) were Significant associated with complications after TP. Postoperative Hb A1 c levels over 7% (HR = 2.655, 95% CI: 1.299-5.425, P = 0.007) were identified as one of the independent risk fact ors for tumor recurrence. Patients with postoperative Hb A1 c levels over 7% had much poorer overall survival than those with Hb A1 c levels less than 7% (9.3 mo vs 27.6 mo, HR = 3.212, 95% CI: 1.147-8.999, (HR = 15.019, 95% CI: 1.278-176.211, P = 0.031) and alcohol history (B = 1.985, SE = 0.860, P = 0.025) tended to have poor glycemic control and lower body mass index levels after TP, respectively. CONCLUSION At least 3 mo are required after TP to adapt to diabetes and recover nutritional status. Glycemic control appears to have more influence over nutritional status on longterm outcomes after TP. Improvement in glycemic control and nutritional status after TP is important to prevent early complications and tumor recurrence, and improve survival.
【摘 要】高职高专课程设置和毕业生就业岗位与所学专业不对口的问题一直是困扰高职高专人才培养的难题。本课题以郑州城市职业学院为例,采用问卷调查,数据分析,提出基于社会职业岗位需求的高职高专课程设置不能忽略学生的基本能力和职业素养的培养;要有针对性和灵活性、时效性和区域服务性,在加强专业知识教学的同时要加大实践课的分量;就业指导要从入学开始。  【关键词】职业岗位   社会需求   高职高专   课程
【摘 要】学起源于思,思源于疑。存疑设问,是调动学生的学习兴趣、激发思维动机、增强求知欲望的重要措施,也是提高学习效率的重要途径。  【关键词】设疑   思维   学习   化学   教学  学起源于思,思源于疑。化学教学中巧设悬念,存疑设问,可以激发学生学习化学的兴趣,促进学生求知的欲望和思维的动机,调动学生学习的积极性,增强他们的求知欲,而且有助于培养他们的探索精神和思维能力。  一、在新颖好
【摘 要】作为民族文化和思想传播的载体,古文(文言文)起着非常重要的作用。文言文教学是初中语文教学的一个重点,也是一个难点。笔者结合现有教学现状,以多年教学实践,从教学方式、注重诵读、注重演绎、结合写作等几个方面着手,提出几条提高初中文言文教学效果的意见,与同行们共勉。  【关键词】文言文   方式多样   诵读   演绎  引言  多年来,初中文言文教学就是一个“春风不度玉门关”的角落,文言教学
九年义务教育全日制小学数学大纲(试用)指出:“要根据数学学科的特点,对学生进行学用的教育,爱祖国、爱社会主义、爱科学的教育、辩证唯物主义观点的启蒙教育。培养学生良好的学习习惯和独立思考、克服困难的精神。”这就是说,小学数学,不只是传授知识、培养能力和发展智力,还要体现社会主义教育性质,体现素质教育的目的。  小学数学教学在素质教育中的作用主要体现在以下几方面:  一、培养逻辑思维能力  逻辑思维能
【摘 要】2001年《全日制义务教育语文课程标准》(实验稿)指出要“培养学生具有正确的情感态度和审美价值”,提出了中学语文课堂教学对学生文学素养的培养任务。在这种情况下,语文课堂应具备怎样的特征再次成为研究的热点。语文教学肩负着培养学生文学素养的重任,因此语文课堂教学中教师要以学生为主体,使用艺术性的教学手段,丰富教学活动,改变一元论评价方式,从而激起学生对语文学习的兴趣,培养良好的语文学习习惯,