
来源 :隋唐辽宋金元史论丛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunfeaml
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法藏敦煌文書P.2942抄存有四十餘則判文及數則狀牒,内容涉及8世紀60年代中後期河西與伊西北庭地區政治、軍事、經濟史中的若干重大問題。由於傳世史書中保存的這一時期的相關史料極其匱乏,而本卷内容豐富具體,且是當時人書當時事的最原始史料,不僅對河西西域史研究意義重大,對安史之亂後的唐史研究也有重要參證作用,故歷來備受學界關注。自20世紀50年代初日本學者那波利貞首次過録本卷少量録文始,六十餘年來,學界發表的專門針對本卷的研究論文已有近二十篇,而以本卷研究成果爲坐標或重要依據進行 There are more than 40 articles of judgment and several articles in Dunhuang document P.2942, covering a number of major issues in the political, military and economic history of the Hexi and Yixing Beiting areas in the mid-to-late 1980s. Due to the extremely lack of relevant historical materials in this period preserved in the historical records, this volume is rich and specific, and is the most original historical data of the contemporary books and records, not only for the study of Hexi Western history, but also for the research of the Tang history after the Anhua history Important role in the certification, it has always been much attention academia. Since the early 1950s, Japanese scholar Nahapuri Jeong recorded the first volume of this volume a small amount of bibliographic records. In the past 60 years, there have been nearly 20 research papers published in the academic circles for this volume, Or important basis
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