立足服务 锐意进取 开创设备管理协会工作新局面——抚顺市经委刘世瀛副主任在抚顺市设备管理协会第二届理事会上的工作报告(摘要)

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一、协会成立以来的回面和纪三届理事会用间的工作总结六年来,市设协在各级设备管理部门和广大会员的关心支持下,发挥了协会的桥梁、纽带作用,配合政府有关部门围绕经济建设这个中心,为开创我市设备·管理工作的新局面做了大量卓有成效的工作.尤其是第二届理事会以来,设协的有关职能机构本着打基础、多服务、重实效、求发展的原则,勤奋工作,使协会业务和自身建设都取得了丰硕成果.归纳起来主要抓了以下几方面工作.1.把贯彻《设备管理条例》做为工作主线,配合政府设备管理部门大力推进设备综合管理.设协从诞生之日起,就把宣传、贯彻《设备管理条例》作为重要的工作任务,积极配合政府采取多种宣传形式,推动《设备管理条例》的贯彻落实.全市广大设备管理工作者通过学习贯彻《设备管理条例》,在思想认识和工作方法上得到了三个观念上的转变:一是转变了设备部门只管维修和使用,不讲求经济效益的旧观念,树立了以提高经济效益为中心,对设备实行综合管理,以取得良好投资效益的新观念.从而使设备管理在企业中的地位和作用得到了加强.二是转变了过去只注重简单修重而忽视采用新技术改造老设备的旧观念,树立了把设备大修和改造更新结合,通过技术经济分析,采用现代新技术更新改造老设备,促进企业进步的新观念.增 1. Since the founding of the Association and the work of the Council of the 3rd Term of the Council for the past six years, the City Design Association has played the role of a bridge and a link of the association and supported the government with the care and support of the equipment management departments and members at all levels. Relevant departments have done a great deal of fruitful work for creating a new situation in the city’s equipment and management work centering on the center of economic construction. Especially since the second session of the council, the relevant functional agencies of the association have been laying the foundation, multi-services, and The principles of practical efficiency and development, hard work, and the accomplishment of the Association’s business and self-construction have brought about fruitful results. They have mainly focused on the following aspects: 1. Implementing the “Regulations on Equipment Management” as the main line of work and cooperating with government equipment management The department vigorously promoted the integrated management of equipment. Since the date of its establishment, the association has made publicity and implementation of the “Regulations for Equipment Management” an important task, and actively cooperated with the government in adopting various forms of propaganda to promote the implementation of the Regulations on Equipment Management. Through the study and implementation of the “Regulations on Equipment Management”, the majority of equipment management workers in the city have obtained three concepts in terms of ideological understanding and work methods. The transformation: First, it changed the old concept of maintaining and using the equipment department, not paying attention to economic efficiency, and established a new concept of improving the economic efficiency as the center and implementing comprehensive management of equipment so as to obtain good investment returns. The position and role in the enterprise have been strengthened. The second is to change the old concept of focusing on simple repairs and ignoring the use of new technologies to transform old equipment. It has established a combination of equipment overhaul and renovation, through technical and economic analysis, using modern New ideas for updating and renovating old equipment and promoting enterprise progress with new technologies.
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