Example 1: Patient, female, 51 years old, with no predisposition for 20 days before admission. Forehead pain, persistence, paroxysmal exacerbations, fever, body temperature about 38 ° C, with vomiting, non-injecting, There is no improvement in the symptoms of pineal gland No history of otitis media. Examination: T36.3 ℃, BP120 / 90mmHg, cranial nerves (a), neck resistance, no abnormalities in cardiopulmonary abdomen, blood WBC16000 / mm3, N90%, L10%, cerebrospinal fluid pressure 360mmH2O, 560 mg of substance, 87 mg of sugar, 35 mg of protein, 10 of white blood cells, mild abnormality of electroencephalogram, chest radiograph, cranial films, brain ultrasound