光大群众路线 聚力强军实践

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群众观,是关于认识群众、相信群众、对待群众与依靠群众的正确、完整的看法与根本观点。延安时期,我们党之所以完全彻底地成为中华民族与中国官兵利益的忠实代表,一个根本原因就是党实行了从群众中来到群众中去的群众路线和群众工作的领导方法,密切了党同人民群众的血肉联系。许多研究中共党史的外国学者认为,群众路线是延安道路的精髓,是党在理论上、实践上最有威力的创造,真正体现了军民一致、军政一致、官兵一致。 The concept of mass is a correct and complete view and fundamental view on understanding the masses, believing in the masses, treating the masses and relying on the masses. In the Yanan period, one of the fundamental reasons why our party became a faithful representative of the interests of the Chinese nation and the Chinese officers and men completely and thoroughly was that the party conducted a leadership method of mass line and mass work among the masses and went among the masses People’s flesh and blood ties. Many foreign scholars studying the history of the Communist Party of China believe that the mass line is the essence of the Yan’an road and the most powerful creation in the Party’s theory and practice in practice. It truly reflects the unity of the army and the people, the unification of the military and the government, and the unanimity of officers and soldiers.
《产业用纺织品》(月刊),大16开,全彩色印刷,定价12.00元/册,全年144.00元,中国标准连续出版物号:ISSN1004-7093/CN 31-1595/TS,邮发代号:4-492。《产业用纺织品》由东华大学
Choline phosphate(CP) as a novel zwitterion possesses specific and excellent properties compared with phosphorylcholine(PC), as well as its polymer, such as pol
Directions:Read the following passage. The passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the one that fits best