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2016年的夏天,倦怠的阳光懒洋洋地洒在教室里成堆的试卷上,闪闪发亮。方从题海中回过神来,一抬头,便看到用红色粉笔书写的“中考”把整个黑板都映得血淋淋的;环顾四周,班上的同学都在奋笔疾书,笔和纸摩擦发出的“沙沙”声响在耳畔。这就是中考前夕奋斗着的我们。尖锐的哨声开始嘶吼,我们才如大梦初醒 In the summer of 2016, the languorous sunshine lazily spilled on piles of papers in the classroom. Recall from the title of the sea, looked up, you see with the red chalk to write “exam ” to the whole blackboard are bloody; look around, the class of students are writing, pen and paper Friction issued “salsa ” sound in the ear. This is the eve of the exam on the eve of us. Sharp whistle began to scream, we wake up awesome
Introduction Fructus cnidii(Chinese name shechuangzi) is the fruit produced by Cnidiummonnieri(L.) Cusson(Umbelliferae). It is a perennial herb that is used to
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The mechanism of Rh(Ⅱ)carbene S-H insertion into H_2S in gas phase has been studied by B3LYP functional.Calculation results showed that the Rh(Ⅱ)carbene S-H i
儿童眼外伤是眼科常见急症 ,是儿童失明的重要原因[1] 。绝大多数儿童眼外伤是可以通过加强保护措施 ,杜绝危险因素而加以避免的[2 ] 。我科 1995~ 1999年间 ,共收治 2 0 8例
目的研究中国汉族健康志愿者利培酮人体代谢过程与其主要转运蛋白基因多态性的关系。方法 23名健康志愿者单次口服利培酮2 mg后,用LC-MS/MS测定血中的利培酮及其代谢产物9-羟
起因:2005年5月底德国消费者到德国著名超市 ALDI 购买一手工工具,因其手柄有一股刺激气味,被怀疑为有害物质,由于出现在同时销售食品的综合超市,被当地媒体报道,在业内产生