
来源 :旅游纵览(下半月) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hellangel112
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历史名人型旅游是一种魅力独特、游客青睐的产品,市场开发的潜力巨大,近年来成为旅游业发展的重点方向。江苏省在漫长的历史长河上,出现众多的在国内外知名的人物,历史名人型旅游资源十分丰富,该省在历史名人型旅游开发方面,积极探索和实践,既有效地促进其旅游业的快速发展,也存在一些问题和不足之处。笔者围绕江苏省历史名人型旅游开发,研究问题、分析原因、研究对策,希望对于历史名人型旅游开发的研究和实践工作能够有所借鉴。 History Celebrity tourism is a unique charm, tourists favor products, market development has great potential, in recent years has become the focus of tourism development. In the long history of Jiangsu Province, Jiangsu Province, there are many well-known figures at home and abroad, the history of celebrity-type tourism resources are very rich, the province in the history of celebrity-type tourism development, and actively explore and practice, both effectively promote their tourism Rapid development, there are some problems and deficiencies. The author focuses on the development and research of historical celebrity-type tourism in Jiangsu Province, analyzes the reasons and countermeasures, and hopes to make some reference for the research and practice on the development of famous celebrity-type tourism.
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