1937年7月29日所爆发的天津抗战,是芦沟桥事变后中国军队对日军大规模主动出击第一战,在抗日战争史上写下了光荣的一页。芦沟桥事变,是日本帝国主义全面军事侵华的开始。日本军部计划:“在军事行动开始时,速以武力膺惩中国第二十九军”,以便首先达到侵占平津、控制华北的战略目的。为达此目的,7日16日,关东军第一混成旅团开抵密云,19日,日本驻朝鲜军第二十师团开进天津; 29日,关东军第十一混成旅团到达高丽营,对华作战的“临时航空兵团”也迅即编成,并开到锦州、山海关待命出击。天津,是日本华北驻屯军司令所在地,这里驻有日军步兵、炮兵、战车、骑兵、工兵,驻屯军空
The Tianjin War of Resistance, which broke out on July 29, 1937, was the first large-scale active attack on the Japanese army by the Chinese army after the Lugouqiao Incident and wrote a glorious page in the history of the Anti-Japanese War. The Lugouqiao Incident was the start of a comprehensive military invasion by Japanese imperialism. The Japanese military plans: “At the start of a military operation, speedily punish and punish China’s 29th Army with force,” so as to first reach the strategic goal of encroaching on Binjin and controlling North China. To this end, on the 16th of the 7th, the first mixed brigade of the Kwantung Army came to Miyun. On the 19th, the 20th division of the Japanese troops stationed in Korea opened in Tianjin. On the 29th, the 11th mixed brigade of the Kwantung Army reached Korea. The battalion and “temporary aviation corps” fighting against China were also quickly compiled and opened to Jinzhou and Shanhaiguan for stand-by attack. Tianjin, is the seat of North China garrison commander in Japan, where the Japanese infantry, artillery, tanks, cavalry, engineers, military stationed in the military