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中華全國合作社第一次代表大會勝利地閉幕了。會議根據國家過渡時期總任務的要求,檢查和總結了四年來的工作,肯定了成績,批判了缺點,確定了供銷合作社在過渡時期的基本任務,通過了中華全國供銷合作總社的章程.选出了中華全國合作社的中央領導機關和監察機關。全國各地合作社的工作今後將大大前進一步。合作事業在我國整個國民經济中有着重要的地位和作用,它是用集體主義的精神組織羣眾經济活動並對羣眾進行社會主義教育的重要組織。在中華人民共和國成立以來的五年中,在中国共產黨和中央人民政府的正確领導下,由於全體合作社工作者的共同努力,我國合作 The first congress of All-China Cooperative was successfully concluded. The meeting reviewed and summarized the work for the past four years, affirmed the achievements, criticized the shortcomings, determined the basic tasks of the supply and marketing cooperatives during the transitional period, and adopted the charter of the All-China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, in accordance with the requirements of the general task of the state during the transition period. Out of the All-China Cooperative’s central leading and supervisory organs. The work of cooperatives across the country will go a long way in the future. The cooperative undertaking plays an important role and role in the entire national economy of our country. It is an important organization that organizes mass economic activities and carries out socialist education to the masses in a collectivist spirit. In the five years since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, with the correct leadership of the CPC and the Central People’s Government, thanks to the joint efforts of all the cooperative workers, our cooperation
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