Examining the effect of speed, roadside features, and roadway geometry on crash experience along a r

来源 :Journal of Modern Transportation | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:beckham11
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This paper presents a current investigation into crash experience along a 15.7-mile rural corridor in southwest Montana with the aim of better understanding crash causal factors along the corridor. The study utilized ten years of crash data, geometric data, and observed freeflow speed data along the corridor. A systematic approach was used where every tenth of a mile was described in term of the crash experience, speed, alignment, and roadside features. Using bivariate and multivariate statistical analyses, the study investigated the crash experience along the corridor as well as some of the underlying relationships which could explain some of the crash causal factors.Results show a strong association between crash rates and horizontal curvatures even for flat curves that can be negotiated at speeds above the posted speed limit, per the highway design equations. Higher crash rates were also found to be associated with the difference between the observed free-flow speeds and the speed dictated by the curve radius or sight distance as per the design equations.Further, results strongly support the safety benefits of guardrails as evidenced by the lower crash rates and severities. The presence of fixed objects and the steepness of side slopes were also found to have an effect on crash rates and severities. This paper presents a current investigation into crash experience along a 15.7-mile rural corridor in southwest Montana with the aim of better understanding crash causal factors along the corridor. The study utilized ten years of crash data, geometric data, and observed freeflow speed data along the corridor. A systematic approach was used where every tenth of a mile was described in term of the crash experience, speed, alignment, and roadside features. Using bivariate and multivariate statistical analyzes, the study investigated the the crash experience along the corridor as well as some of the underlying relationships which could explain some of the crash causal factors. Results show a strong association between crash rates and horizontal curvatures even for flat curves that can be negotiated at speeds above the posted speed limit, per the highway design equations. rates were also found to be associated with the difference between the observed free-flow speeds and the speed d ictated by the curve radius or sight distance as per the design equations.Further, results strongly support the safety benefits of guardrails as evidenced by the lower crash rates and severities. The presence of fixed objects and the steepness of side slopes also also found to have an effect on crash rates and severities.
1概述由上海森林特种钢门有限公司生产的GFM-2123-bdk5 A1.50(甲级)-2钢制隔热防火门(甲级双开,见图1)、GFM-1023-bdk5 A1.00(乙级)-1-X1钢制隔热防火门(乙级单开,见图2)和GF
盆栽非洲菊 ( Gerbera jamesonii) ,别名扶郎花 ,为菊科大丁草属多年生宿根常绿草本植物。叶基生 ,多数 ;头状花序单生 ,花色多样 ,花朵清秀挺拔 ,姣美高雅 ,在室内四季花开