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新春伊始,太原市纪委出台规定,凡是领导干部子女出国上学费用来源要进行申报。据报道,太原市委要求全市各级领导干部认真落实配偶、子女经商办企业的有关规定,加强对身边工作人员的教育、管理和监督。建立健全领导干部子女出国上学费用来源的申报核实制度,要严格执行津贴、补贴和奖金发放的有关规定。太原市纪委还要求坚决制止各类检查评比工作中向检查人员赠送各种礼品的歪风,坚决制止利用节日向上级机关、领导干部赠送或廉价购买各类土特产的不正之风,坚决制止部门、单位之间相互宴请、互赠物品的不正之风。 Beginning of the new year, Taiyuan City Commission for Discipline Inspection promulgated regulations, all leading cadres and children go to school to declare the source of the cost of going to school. According to reports, Taiyuan Municipal Party Committee urged the city’s leading cadres at all levels to conscientiously implement the relevant provisions of spouses and children do business with enterprises, to strengthen the education, management and supervision of staff around. The establishment and improvement of the reporting and verification system for the sources of fees for leading cadres going to school abroad should strictly implement the relevant provisions on grants, subsidies and bonuses. Taiyuan City Commission for Discipline Inspection also requires resolutely put an end to the unhealthy tendencies of various gifts presented to inspectors in all kinds of inspection and appraisal work and resolutely stop the unhealthy tendencies of gifts and cheap purchases of various native products from higher authorities and leading cadres by using festivals, resolutely stop departments, Inter-banquet between units, each other goods unhealthy tendencies.
退休之后,盖茨最大的对手不再是谷歌和司法部,而是疟疾和贫穷,这是更为艰难的挑战。 After retirement, Gates’s biggest rival is no longer Google and the Department o
让农业实现现代化——让农业这个夕阳西下的产业,变为太阳重新升起的朝阳产业。 21世纪中国要实现农业现代化,我认为要讲两句话:农业产业化,产业信息化。前者体现以工业化带
“不要扯远了,请直接回答问题,就说你晓得还是不晓得,具体该怎么办?”在重庆市民代表座谈会上,重庆市教委一名副主任在回答一位市民代表关于如何堵住 “Do not pull away, p
Scenic-Spot Public Signs are essential to tourists all over the worlds. There are four functional features and seven language style of scenic-spot public signs.
四川省两百多名人大代表5年监督,数亿元国有资产失而复得。代表们的执著被吴邦国委员长获知,他对案件进行了批示……     核心提示:  ■“港商”林少华与成都纺织品公司合资后,通过伪造董事会决议等手段,向银行贷款2亿多元。  其中数千万元转入他的娱乐公司,他还串通官员,侵吞了属于成纺公司的近7亩土地。  ■43名人大代表联名,对成都市一权力部门发起严厉询问——这个部门与林少华合作成立了娱乐公司,并在