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随着军事斗争准备的不断深入,认真探讨战时生活费保障问题,有着十分重要的现实意义。本文就战时空军生活费保障的特点、原则与列。策作一粗浅探讨。一、战时生活费保障的特点1.供应关系复杂。在信息化战争条件下,参与作战行动的力量构成复杂,参战兵种多、机种多、机动频繁。生活费保障既有按建制实施逐级保障,又有非常情况下的越级保障;既有军队供应,还有地方财政、金融部门的支援,使得生活费保障的指挥协凋变得异常复杂。同时因战场作战方向的变化,部署的调整,保障重点的转移,财务保障力量的受损等情况,组织协调保障也相当复杂。2.保障强度大。未来信息化战争首战很可能就是决战,航空兵场站在相当长时间内担负高强度的后勤保障任务,这必然带来高消耗、高战损,决定了生活费保障必须超常实施供应,保障强度空前增大。主要表现为:一 With the deepening of preparations for military struggle, it is of great practical significance to conscientiously explore the guarantee of living expenses in wartime. In this paper, the characteristics, principles and columns of living expenses protection in wartime Air Force. Policy for a superficial discussion. First, the characteristics of war-time subsistence protection 1. The supply relationship is complex. Under the condition of informationized warfare, the forces participating in the combat operations are complex in composition, with a large number of participating units, many kinds of machines and frequent maneuvers. The guarantee of living expenses covers both the level-by-level protection implemented by the system of construction and the leapfrog security under extraordinary circumstances. With the support of both the military and the local financial and financial departments, the command coordination of the living expenses guarantee becomes extremely complicated. At the same time, the coordination and protection of the organization and coordination are also quite complicated due to the changes in the operational direction of the battlefield, the adjustment of deployment, the shift of key points of protection and the impairment of the financial guarantee. 2. Security intensity. In the future, the first battle of informatization war is likely to be the decisive battle. For a long time, the aviation field station shoulders the task of high-intensity logistics support, which inevitably leads to high consumption and high war loss. It has determined that the subsistence guarantee must be supernormally supplied and the strength of protection is unprecedentedly increased Big. Mainly as follows: one
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