
来源 :杜甫研究学刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:acdef2
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杜诗记录中唐时代历史乱象与遍地疮痍的社会良知及创作动力自何而来?笔者以为源于杜甫贯穿一生的平民生活体验及其由此形成的推己及人的平民情怀。由奉儒者、游观者、干谒者、客居者、卧疾者串联而成的平民角色,决定了杜甫必然具备平民化特征的仁爱情怀、天地情怀、酸辛情怀、迁徙情怀与伤痛情怀。文章还就郭沫若关于杜诗的“人民性”与杜甫的“地主生活”问题进行了评析。 Du Shi recorded history in the Tang Dynasty chaos and social scrutiny over the history of social conscience and creative motivation come from? I believe that from Du Fu throughout his life experience of civilians and the resulting formation of people and peace of mind of the civilian population. The civilian character, formed by concluding Confucianism, touristic observers, prefectures, settlers and people with disabilities, determines the benevolent love, the world feeling, the soothing feeling, the migratory feeling and the painful feeling that Du Fu certainly possesses the characteristics of common people. The article also comments on Guo Moruo’s “People ” ’s character about Du Fu and Du Fu ’ s “landlord life ”.
科学的方法是通向成功的桥梁。学习任何一门学科 ,如果没有正确的学法 ,都不能很好的掌握。现代教育理念已从注重知识的传授转向注重学生能力的培养 ,作为教师 ,则不仅要研究
20 0 2年 1 2月号问题解答(解答由问题提供人给出 )1 40 6 已知 :ADCE为半圆 (如图 ) ,B为直径AE上一点 ,F在AC上 ,AD =FC ,DE =CG ,BE=HG ,AL∥FG .求证 :KB ⊥AC证明 因为ADCE为半圆 ,所以∠ADE=∠FCG =90° .在Rt△
A bstract Marsupenaeus japonicus Bate is one of the most valuable cultured shrimp species in China and outdoor earthen pond farming is the most common method of
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基本不等式a2+b2≥2ab在不等式的证明中起重要作用,但有些不等式直接用它去证明比较困难,而应用该不等式的变形去证明却比较方便. 变形1a2+b2≥2ab a2+b2≥1/2(a+b)2. 例 1
本文以基督教文化对曹禺思想影响的角度为切入点,对《雷雨》进行具体的文本分析,探析原罪思想对《雷雨》创作的影响,并以此为依据梳理其影响在剧作中的具体表现。 Based on
[Objective]The aim is to perform prokaryotic expression of the glycoprotein gene of infectious hnematopoietic necrosis virus and polyclonal antibody preparation