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目的了解和掌握遵义市汇川区近5年肺结核病疫情概况及流行特征,为防控肺结核病提供科学依据。方法收集遵义市汇川区2011—2015年肺结核病相关数据,运用描述流行病学方法对肺结核病流行病学特征进行分析。结果遵义市汇川区2011—2015年共报告肺结核病2 863例,年平均报告发病率为129.01/10万,总体发病率呈逐年下降趋势,地区分布以城区及城乡接合部的发病率较高,最高为高桥镇(225.61/10万),其次为上海路办事处(223.81/10万),发病率最低的是团泽镇(58.04/10万)。全年均有发病,无明显季节性,发病最高月份为3月,最低为12月。年龄分布最高为20~30岁组,占21.87%,最低为0岁组,占1.61%。男女性别比为1.59∶1,职业分类以农民最多(1 371例),占总发病数的47.89%,其次为家务及待业(500例),占总发病数的17.46%。结论遵义市汇川区肺结核发病率总体稳定,呈逐年下降趋势,应重点开展以流动人员、农民、学生及男性人群为主的防控工作,遏制肺结核病的流行。 Objective To understand and grasp the general situation and epidemic characteristics of tuberculosis in the past five years in Huichuan District of Zunyi and provide a scientific basis for the prevention and control of tuberculosis. Methods The data of tuberculosis from 2011 to 2015 in Huichuan District of Zunyi were collected and the epidemiological characteristics of tuberculosis were analyzed by descriptive epidemiological method. Results A total of 2 863 pulmonary tuberculosis cases were reported in Huichuan District of Zunyi from 2011 to 2015, with an average annual incidence rate of 129.01 / 100 000. The overall incidence showed a decreasing trend year by year. The distribution of urban areas and the junction between urban and rural areas was higher , Up to Takahashi (225.61 / 100,000), followed by Shanghai Road Office (223.81 / 100,000), and the lowest incidence was Tuanze (58.04 / 100,000). The incidence of all year round, no significant seasonal, the highest incidence of March for the month, the lowest for December. The highest age distribution of 20 to 30 years old group, accounting for 21.87%, the lowest for the 0-year-old group, accounting for 1.61%. The male-to-female sex ratio was 1.59: 1, and the occupational classification was peasants (1 371 cases), accounting for 47.89% of the total cases, followed by housework and unemployed (500 cases), accounting for 17.46% of the total cases. Conclusion The incidence of tuberculosis in Huichuan District of Zunyi City was generally stable and showed a declining trend year by year. Key prevention and control measures should be given to migrant workers, peasants, students and male population to curb the prevalence of tuberculosis.
一、临床资料  患者男性,42岁,初教六飞行教员,飞行时间4100 h.因腰痛发热4 d,少尿3 d,于2001年7月16日入院.患者于入院前4 d因劳累及受凉后出现腰部持续性隐痛,腹胀痛,伴有发热,全身不适,乏力,体温达40.00C,并伴有恶心呕吐,但无尿频、尿急,无咳嗽、胸闷、胸痛症状。
目的 探讨全髋关节置换术治疗成人Crowe Ⅳ型髋关节发育不良(developmental dyspla-sia of the hip,DDH)的方法并评价其疗效.方法 1997年10月至2009年1月,应用全髋关节置换术治疗Crowe Ⅳ型DDH患者15例20髋,其中5例双侧、10例单侧.18髋采用Secur-Fit股骨假体,2髋采用Corail股骨假体.转子下斜行截骨6髋,髋臼底磨穿5髋,均行
目的 探讨脂多糖对人支气管上皮BEAS-2B细胞环氧化酶-2(cycloxygenase-2,COX-2)表达的影响及p38丝裂原活化蛋白激酶(p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase,p38 MAPK)信号通路在其中的作用.方法 用0、0.1、1、10、100 mg/L脂多糖(lipopolysaccharide,LPS)处理人支气管上皮BEAS-2B细胞2h,逆
目的探讨精神分裂症患者骨密度状况及影响因素,为精神科护理风险的评估及采取干预措施提供参考依据。方法选择住院精神分裂症患者1 139例作为研究对象,根据既往是否接受抗精
目的 探讨金属硫蛋白(MT)对+Gz暴露后心肌细胞凋亡及其Bcl-2和Bax蛋白表达的影响.方法 将16只Wistar雄性大鼠随机分为+Gz组和+Gz +MT组,每组各8只,两组均经受6次峰值为+10Gz的G暴露,每次30 s,间隔1 min.+Gz+MT组大鼠在+Gz暴露前72 h和48 h腹腔注射21%乳酸锌0.3 μmol/kg以诱导体内MT合成;+Gz组鼠给予等量生理盐水.应用极谱法测定心
提出了一种基于UG NX 5.0/Expression的渐开线圆柱齿轮全参数化建模方法,建立了渐开线变位圆柱斜齿轮的参数化模型,在此模型的基础上通过修改模型中由表达式建立的齿轮基本参