Piezoresistive Response Extraction for Smart Cement-based Composites/Sensors

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lpucicy
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A kind of piezoresistive response extraction method for smart cement-based composites/sensors was proposed.Two kinds of typical piezoresistive cement-based composites/sensors were fabricated by respectively adding carbon nanotubes and nickel powders as conductive fillers into cement paste or cement mortar.The variation in measured electrical resistance of such cement-based composites/sensors was explored without loading and under repeated compressive loading and impulsive loading.The experimental results indicate that the measured electrical resistance of piezoresistive cement-based composites/sensors exhibits a two-stage variation trend of fast increase and steady increase with measurement time without loading,and an irreversible increase after loading.This results from polarization caused by ionic conduction in these composites/sensors.After reaching a plateau,the measured electrical resistance can be divided into an electrical resistance part and an electrical capacity part.The piezoresistive responses of electrical resistance part in measured electrical resistance to loading can be extracted by eliminating the linear electrical capacity part in measured electrical resistance. A kind of piezoresistive response extraction method for smart cement-based composites / sensors was proposed. Two kinds of typical piezoresistive cement-based composites / sensors were fabricated by exactly adding carbon nanotubes and nickel powders as conductive fillers into cement paste or cement mortar. variation in measured electrical resistance of such cement-based composites / sensors was explored without loading and under repeated compressive loading and impulsive loading. The experimental results indicate that the measured electrical resistance of piezoresistive cement-based composites / sensors exhibits a two-stage variation trend of fast increase and steady increase with measurement time without loading, and an irreversible increase after loading. This results from polarization caused by ionic conduction in these composites / sensors. After reaching a plateau, the measured electrical resistance can be divided into an electrical resistance part and an electrical capacity part.The piez oresistive responses of electrical resistance part in measured electrical resistance to loading can be extracted by eliminating the linear electrical capacity part in measured electrical resistance.
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患者刘某 ,女 ,35岁。因上、下颌牙列不齐要求矫治。 3年前因拥挤错位致 4 严重龋齿而拔除。一、临床检查患者正面观双侧 ,侧面观下颌无明显前突 ,上下颌齿槽座丰满。自然状
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