
来源 :广州政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:delicious_bupt
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为了降低纳税人的纳税成本,提高税务机关的工作效率,广州市地税局决定大幅度削减纳税申报表数量,从今年税款所属时期10月份(11月征收期)起,在部分企业户中开始试行使用新版《广州市地方税费综合申报表》。明年1月份起在全市全面铺开。启用新版税费综合申报表,取消原土地使用税等11个单项申报表,将大大减轻业户办理纳税申报的工作量。此次改革是基于以往使用的纳税申报表不仅种类繁多,功能单一,而且有关数据 In order to reduce the taxpayers’ tax costs and improve the efficiency of the tax authorities, Guangzhou Municipal Local Taxation Bureau decided to drastically reduce the number of tax returns and started from some enterprises in this year’s tax-collection period in October (the collection period in November) Trial use of the new version of “Guangzhou City, local taxes and fees comprehensive return.” In January next year in full swing in the city. The opening of the new version of the tax declaration, the abolition of the original land-use tax and other 11 individual returns will greatly reduce the workload of taxpayers. The reform is based on the tax returns used in the past not only a wide range of functions, a single, and the data
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每当翻开我家的一本旧相册,我都会看到这样一张照片:一个小男孩手捧大红证书,脸带微笑,正站在德艺双馨全国大赛2号的领奖台上。大家知道吗?那位照片上的小男孩就是 Whenever
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