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法的概念问题是全部法学理论中一个重要组成部分,探讨法的概念应力避单一式、封闭式的研究方法。最近有两位苏联学者这样写道:“法的概念不是一个停滞不动而是发展着的概念,它既反映出历史传统,又反映出当前的社会情势。对待确定法的概念的不同态度,在某种程度上表现为从法的不同侧面而进行观察,要有机地综合法的固有的特征”。①这段话我认为可供我们在研究法的概念时作为参考。本文试图从哲学认识论角度探讨法律特别是社会主义法律与客观规律的关系,从而认识到“社会主义法律是对客观规律的自觉的特殊的反映”这样一个命题。问题是这样引起的:上海《法学》创刊号上曾发表了《关于社会主义法律与客观规律性》的文章,文章认为“社会主义法律是社会主义存在和发展的客观规律的反映”,因此“社会主义法制必须建立在科学的基础上。”②针对这一观点,有同志提出不同看法,认为“把法律,特别是社会主义法律,简单地说成是客观规律的反映”,“这种认识是不正确的。”“它抹煞了法律的阶级性,是不恰当的,”因为“法律是一种特殊的社会规范”,“是人们意志的产物,是人为的。也就是说,它是以人们的主观意志为转移 The concept of law is an important part of all legal theory and discusses the concept of law avoidance of single, closed research methods. Two Soviet scholars recently wrote: “The notion of law is not a concept of immobility but development that reflects not only historical tradition but also the current social situation, the different attitudes towards the notion of certain law, To some extent, it manifests itself from the different aspects of the law and observes the organic characteristics of the law. ” ① In this passage I think it is a reference for us to study the concept of law. This paper attempts to explore the relationship between law, especially the socialist law and objective law, from the perspective of philosophical epistemology, so as to realize the proposition that “socialist law is a conscious and special reflection of objective law”. The problem was caused by the following article: “On Socialist Laws and Objective Laws” published on the first issue of “Law of Shanghai”, the article holds that “Socialist law is a reflection of objective laws governing the existence and development of socialism,” and therefore “society The legal system of legality must be based on science. ”② In response to this view, some comrades put forward different views and held that“ the law, especially the socialist law, should simply be described as a reflection of objective laws. ”This understanding is Is not correct. “” It is inappropriate to deny the class of law, “because” law is a special kind of social norms. “” It is a product of people’s wills and is artificial, that is, The subjective will for the transfer
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<正> 中国刑法历史悠久,迄今已有四千一百多年,堪称源远流长。在这四千多年的历史长河中,中国刑法主要经历了五个历史发展阶段。这就是:一、有刑无法的萌芽阶段;二、法不成文的礼治阶段;三、寓礼于刑的法治阶段;四、西形中质的刑治阶段;五、法、人结合的法制阶段。这五个阶段从历史分期上讲,它们各自依次分属于原始社会末期、奴隶制社会、封建制社会、半殖民地半封建社会和社会主义社会的历史范畴。这五种刑制的本质和特点,是各不相同的,但又有其因承关系
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