
来源 :解放军预防医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jinr0op8
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目的 :为了解某舟桥部队官兵腰腿痛发病情况 ,探索腿痛病的发病原因 ,为做好舟桥部队官兵腰腿痛防治工作提供依据。方法 :采取回顾性调查方法 ,以某舟桥部队全体官兵为样本 ,以一年期间的诊断书、门诊登记为依据 ,进行统计分析。结果 :舟桥部队的官兵腰腿痛发病率较高 ,在调查的 1543人中 ,发病 176人 ,发病率为 11.4 % ;其中士兵发病率为 13.3% ,军官与志愿兵发病率为 6 .0 % ,具有士兵多于军官与志愿兵的发病特点。此外还与职业工种关系密切 ,发病时间以 3~ 5月和 10~ 12月为高峰。其发病因素与训练强度大、水中作业受寒凉、训练任务重、休息时间少和新兵体质差等有关。结论 :针对发病情况 ,提出如下预防措施 :提高防病意识 ,学会自我防护和互相保护 ;改革训练方法和训练器材 ,实行分等级的科学训练 ,循序渐进 ,减少训练伤的发生 ;医务人员加强巡诊 ,坚持跟班作业 ,做到有病早治根治 ,减少积累性损伤。 Objective: To understand the incidence of lumbago and leg pain of officers and men in a pontoon bridge unit and to explore the causes of leg pain and to provide a basis for the prevention and control of lumbago and leg pain of officers and soldiers in pontoon bridge unit. Methods: A retrospective survey method was adopted to take all the officers and men of a certain Ponto bridge unit as a sample, based on the diagnosis certificate and outpatient registration during the one year period for statistical analysis. Results: The incidence of lumbago and leg pain were higher among officers and soldiers of Pontoon Bridge Force. Of the 1,543 people surveyed, 176 were found, with a morbidity of 11.4%. The incidence of soldiers was 13.3%, and the incidence of military officers and volunteers was 6.0% , With the characteristics of soldiers more than the incidence of officers and volunteers. In addition, it is also closely related to occupational trades, and the onset time is from March to May and from October to December. The incidence of factors and training intensity, water by the cold, heavy training tasks, rest less and recruits physique is poor and so on. Conclusion: In view of the incidence, the following preventive measures are proposed: raising the awareness of disease prevention, learning self-protection and mutual protection; reforming training methods and training equipment, carrying out scientific training at different levels and taking gradual steps to reduce the occurrence of training injuries; Adhere to follow-up homework, so cure early cure, reduce the accumulation of injuries.
目的 评价 3 2mm阶梯状透明角膜切口植入折叠式人工晶状体后的临床效果。方法 采用上方 3 2mm阶梯状透明角膜切口 ,对 48例 5 0眼老年性白内障行超声乳化摘出 ,植入丙烯
目的总结再次体外转流或重阻主动脉的经验与教训. 方法回顾性分析连续3年施行心内直视手术1 770例中需再次体外转流或重阻主动脉85例的原因及处理结果. 结果再次体外转流或重
尿石症是北方地区多发病、常见病,我科采用中西医结合的方法治疗尿石症58例取得良好疗效,现报告如下。1 临床资料  58例中男性26例,女性32例;年龄13~64岁;病程最短10天,最
就小鼠血液中的甘油三酯 (TG) ,游离胆固醇 (FCH) ,总胆固醇 (TCH) ,高密度脂蛋白胆固醇 (HDL-C)的含量进行了测定 ,发现组间有显著性差异 (P
探讨促超排卵周期胰岛素样生长因子结合蛋白 1 (IGFBP-1 )与卵泡发育的关系。采用酶联免疫吸附试验 (EL ISA)和放射免疫法 (RIA)检测 3 2例体外受精 -胚胎移植(IVF-ET)促超排
本文介绍了一种用于求解人体胸腔三维恒定电场有限元方程组的算法。该算法采用直接法中克劳特分解法与分块技术相结合来求解已合成的总体有限元方程组, 从而解决了计算机因内