
来源 :护士进修杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luo2kai3
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为深化门诊护理管理内涵建设,作者对1997年3~5月间3600多名门诊患者的咨询内容进行了结构分析,结果示:其知识类需求占46%,以中年需求比例为高;方位类占27%,以初诊和老年病人为多;信息类占16%,以参与诊治和了解费用情况为多;服务类及其它占11%,以特需服务为多。其中能解决的占95%,新问题占4%~5%。总体趋势为一切根据病人所需,方便、快捷、科学、多层次的社会化服务方式。提示:当前门诊急需开展系列健康教育活动,尤其对中年人的自我保健知识的教育;开展多项社会化服务;注重信息的收集;加大护理人力资源的多学科化、多能力化培养,以深化服务项目,深化服务质量。 In order to deepen the connotation construction of outpatient care management, the author conducted a structural analysis of the consultation content of more than 3,600 outpatients from March to May 1997. The results show that the demand for knowledge is 46%, which is higher than the ratio of middle-aged needs; Classes accounted for 27% of the total; the number of newly diagnosed and elderly patients was more; the information category accounted for 16%, and the participation in diagnosis and treatment and understanding of the cost were more; services and others accounted for 11%, with special needs for services. Of these, 95% can be solved, and 4% to 5% of new problems. The overall trend is everything based on the needs of the patient, convenient, fast, scientific, multi-level social service. Reminder: The current outpatient department is in urgent need of carrying out a series of health education activities, especially for middle-aged people to educate themselves on self-care knowledge; to carry out a number of socialized services; to focus on the collection of information; to increase the multi-disciplinary and multi-ablility training of nursing human resources. To deepen service projects and deepen service quality.
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