
来源 :上海工艺美术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lkjh321
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  Umbrellas have a long history of thousands of years in China. There were initially feather umbrellas, silk umbrellas and umbrellas made of cotton cloth and bamboo split. After the invention of paper in the Han Dynasty, paper was used as an umbrella surface material. In the Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties, paper was painted with tung oil so that oil-paper umbrella was invented. Oil-paper umbrellas are very popular in China, which were introduced to Korea and Japan in the Tang Dynasty. In the 16th century, oil-paper umbrellas were introduced to the West and exerted significant impacts on the lives of Westerners. It can be said that an umbrella, to some extent, can also epitomize the cultural exchanges between China and the West.
  我们再看这件阳伞的伞骨架,它是钢质的弧形伞架。这种弧形伞骨架是英国人在19世纪中期发明出来的,Samuel Fox & Co.公司从19世纪中期以后就生产这类金属伞骨,并运用在阳伞上。金属伞骨架出现以前,西方伞的骨架多采用鲸须骨还有藤条等,中国的伞则以竹木为主。金属弧形伞骨架的诞生,促进了伞的现代化进程。在清代末期,西方的金属骨架伞传入中国,被称之为“洋伞”,造价并不便宜,对中国传统的民族伞业造成了不小的冲击。稍后钢骨伞也逐渐开始本地化生产,清末在广州成立的钢骨伞公司——梁苏记遮厂,就以“保证钢骨,包修保用”为口号赢得客户信誉。到现在,金属伞架的伞已成为大家生活中非常普通的物品。
  这件阳伞的伞杆和伞面的长度比例相对较大,整体显得修长,不似中国传统的油纸伞和油布伞。中国传统的油纸伞和油布伞如果是手持的,伞杆都相对较短,伞杆与伞面的长度比例差距不会像这件阳伞那么大。这件修长的阳伞其实是西方的一种“walk parasol”类型伞,它可以在不撑开的时候,收合起来伞顶朝下当做行走的“拐杖”之用。伞柄末端的银嵌套也可以理解为防止手柄处长期磨损特制的一种保护装置。西方这类修长型的伞也有不倒立的,伞头相应地较长和粗,或者有“L”形拐杖把手,便于行走时扶握。
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