加拿大的话剧对我国的观众来说是比较陌生的,而最近中央实验话剧院演 出的《纪念碑》(译者:吴朱红,导演:查明哲,主演:涂雷、凯丽。),以其强烈的震撼力让中 国的观众惊感加拿大话剧之新锐。他山之石,可以攻玉。《纪念碑》精粹何在?于我何 益?何以取之?本刊特请来三位专家与读者共商。并请本剧译者先做一个简介。
The Canadian drama is unfamiliar to our audience, and the recent “monument” by the Central Laboratory for Theater of the Arts (CCTV) Astonishing Chinese audience surprised by the new Canadian drama. Stones from other hills, can learn. What is the essence of the monument? What is my benefit? Why take it? This issue special invited three experts and readers to discuss. And invite the translator to do a brief introduction.