
来源 :中国农村卫生 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sdwwaiwwsd
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Dense and extensive esophageal strictures after caustic agent ingestion require surgical treatment. Colon, stomach and jejunum can be used to reconstruct esopha
Objective:To construct a Pichia pastoris (P. Pastoris) expression vector of human intestinal trefoil factor (hITF) and study its expression and purification pro
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目的 观察曲尼司特胶囊治疗疤痕疙瘩、增生性瘢痕的疗效.方法 试验组24例口服曲尼司特胶囊0.1 g,2次/d,同时外用喜疗妥软膏2次/d,并与单用喜疗治疗的对照组24例作比较.结果
Objective: To determine whether AQP4 expression is associated with lactate (Lac) and Nacetyl aspartate (NAA) and with apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) abnor
Objective:To investigate the effects and mechanisms of interferon in combination with alltrans retinoic acid (ATRA) on proliferation and differentiation of ATRA
目的 查明鹤庆新发野鼠鼠疫疫源地内是否存在鼠疫噬菌体,并对所离分鼠疫噬菌体进行形态鉴定及噬菌谱分析.方法 以鹤庆县马厂村为核心,选择5 km范围内的自然村为采样点,采用鼠
Objective:To examine CT and pathologic presentations of the periphery of hepatocelllar carcinoma (HCC) by using in vivo liver specimens from orthotopic liver tr