1988年秋,我奉命赴欧洲考察,在德意志联邦共和国作了短暂的逗留,虽然浮光掠影,所见甚为肤浅,但那美丽的国土,茂密的森林,引人入胜的园林,整洁的城乡环境,却给我留下了深刻的印象。德意志联邦共和国面积24.79万平方公里,人口61 02万。国土面积虽然只比江西省大48%,但拥有公路50万公里,为江西的16.7倍;有铁路3.8万公里,为江西的25.3倍。
In the autumn of 1988, I was instructed to visit Europe and made a brief stay in the Federal Republic of Germany. Although it is superficial and superficial, the beautiful country, lush forests, attractive gardens and neat urban and rural environment gave me It left a deep impression. The Federal Republic of Germany covers an area of 247,900 square kilometers and has a population of 6,102,000. Though the land area is only 48% larger than that in Jiangxi Province, it has 500,000 km of highways, which is 16.7 times that of Jiangxi; and 38,000 km of railways, which is 25.3 times that of Jiangxi.