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近日,美国篮球传奇巨星迈克尔·乔丹突然“高调”指控中国运动服饰生产商乔丹体育股份有限公司(以下简称“乔丹体育”)侵犯其姓名权,引起轩然大波。在自己的中文译名被抢注多年之后,乔丹突然宣传起诉,这对于国内的相关厂商来说,应引起足够的重视。乔丹体育2000年诞生,至今已存在十多年。2011年年底,乔丹体育正式在国内A股过会,上市处于紧锣密鼓之中。而就在这个关键的时间点上,迈克尔·乔丹提出了诉讼,显然不是仅仅为了巨额的赔偿费而来。对于准备进行IP0的上市公司来说,面对如此大的诉讼,其肯定是不利于新股发行的,一旦败诉其结果将是难以预计。对于业内来说,乔丹体育在创立之处,其与迈克尔·乔丹之间的关系早已是心知肚明,但既然在创立之初没有被起诉,乔丹体育自然觉得风险似乎已经过去了,但没有想到十多年之后,当企业发展如日中天的时候,却会面临着这样的一场不期而遇的官司。 Recently, the United States basketball legend Michael Jordan suddenly “high profile ” accused the Chinese sportswear manufacturer Jordan Sports Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Jordan Sports”) infringement of their names, causing a great uproar. In his own Chinese name was registered for many years, Jordan Suddenly publicity prosecution, which for the domestic manufacturers, should be given enough attention. Jordan Sports was born in 2000, has existed for more than a decade. By the end of 2011, Jordan Sports formally passed the domestic A shares, the listing is in full swing. Just at this crucial point in time, Michael Jordan filed a lawsuit, apparently not just for a huge sum of compensation came. For listed companies preparing for IP0, in the face of such a large lawsuit, it is certainly not conducive to IPO, once the outcome of the loss will be unpredictable. For the industry, Jordan Sports was founded, its relationship with Michael Jordan has long been well aware of, but since the beginning of the establishment has not been prosecuted, Jordan Sports naturally feel the risk seems to have passed, but not Think of more than a decade later, when the business boom, but will face such a by-laws.
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5月18日,厦门市中级人民法院一审判处赖昌星无期徒刑、并处没收个人全部财产;其违法所得依法予以追缴。  自1999年8月因厦门远华特大走私案潜逃加拿大13年后,这名一度在中国家喻户晓的在逃犯罪嫌疑人,终于得到法律的审判。但是,其转移的境外资产如何处理因鲜有披露也格外受关注。《中国新闻周刊》独家渠道获悉:有关部门正在进一步了解赖昌星在国外的资产状况,并拟与加拿大签订“关于返还和分享被没收财产的协定”
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The Two Small Partners  多多和丁丁  “滴滴,滴滴!”虽然我家在六楼,仍然能听到楼下一个小男孩唇齿不清地叫着。“丁丁,快下楼!多多来了!”我迅速扭头告诉三岁的女儿丁丁。她的好朋友多多,又如往常一样,转悠到楼下来找她了。“啊!好!”丁丁依旧兴奋地开始穿上衣服、鞋子,然后,打开门,径自下楼,嘴里叨咕着,“多多,啊,多多!”根本顾不上回头看一眼我这个妈。  多多和我们住在同一个小