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尊敬的全联宋北杉副主席,全联各领导,商会同仁及媒体朋友们,在座的各位女士们,先生们:大家下午好!首先感谢商会各会员选举我做本届商会会长,使我有机会,为全体会员服务,我既感到荣幸,又深感责任重大。在此我谨代表商会,感谢全国工商联宋北杉副主席以及、在座的各位嘉宾、朋友们,在百忙中出席本会。在商会原会长霍义光先生和各理事的领导和共同努力下,在全体会员和社会各界的热情鼓励和鼎力支持下,商会走过了5年的辉煌历程,并将翻开崭新的历史篇章。 Dear Allison Song Pine Vice Chairman, Allianz League Leaders, Chamber of Commerce Colleagues and Media Friends Ladies and Gentlemen, Good afternoon, everyone at the Chamber of Commerce expressed their thanks to all the members of the Chamber of Commerce I am honored to have the opportunity to serve all the members. I am also deeply responsible. On behalf of the chamber of commerce, I would like to thank Vice Chairman Song Beishan, All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, and distinguished guests and friends present here for attending this Council on my busy schedule. Under the leadership and joint efforts of the former president of the chamber of commerce, Mr. Huo Yiguang and the directors, with the enthusiastic encouragement and support of all the members and all circles of society, the chamber of commerce has gone through 5 years of glorious history and will open a brand new historical chapter.
Martin Renner,从事雅思教学和研究多年,深谙中西文化异同,用跨文化的视角,深入浅出地分析各种常见口语错误的成因及解决方案。本期,作者将继续为您指出中国考生在雅思口语考
The 34-year-old had a glittering1 career, helping Brazil win two World Cups and being named FIFA2 World Player of the Year3 in 1996, 1997 and 2002. He had been
作者:Jay W. Richards  出版日期:2013年8月6日  IISBN-10: 007181695X  ISBN-13: 978-0071816953  一批新型经济的金融改革者已经从州政府和国家政府渗透到我们的公共金融机构,美国要小心了。如何制止野心家和内部人员利用金融危机来控制我们的生活和财富?每个美国人都应该知道,这是一场关于自由企业和自由本身的战争。
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