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三怎样设计选择题 1.什么是“两面设计”?(正面设计和反面设计) 一个问题和这个问题的答案,在思考的顺序上,究竟谁先谁后,这对科研和教学来讲,情况是不同的。科研课题的设计中,答案在先,问题在后。例如问题:什么是梯形?设计者是先有答案,即梯形的定义,后有问题。即对梯形的定义发问.因此,教学习题的设计是从答案出发的,答案,既是问题的终点。也是问题的起点。从这个意义上讲,答案,既是问题的终点,也是问题的起点,从这个意义上讲,答案,是习题设计的中心。这里所说的答案,自然是正确答案,如“什么是梯形”这个问题的正确答案就是:一组对边平行,另一组对边不平行的四边形。对于普通题,设 III. How to design multiple choice questions 1. What is “two-sided design”? (front design and negative design) The answer to a question and this question, in the order of thinking, who is first and foremost, this is the case for scientific research and teaching. It is different. In the design of research projects, the answer is first and the problem is later. For example, the question: What is a trapezoid? The designer is the first answer, that is, the definition of the trapezoid, after the problem. That is, the definition of the trapezoid is asked. Therefore, the design of the teaching question is based on the answer and the answer is the end of the question. It is also the starting point of the problem. In this sense, the answer is both the end of the problem and the starting point of the problem. In this sense, the answer is the center of the problem design. The answer here is naturally the correct answer. The correct answer to the question “What is a trapezoid?” is: a set of quadrilaterals with parallel sides and nonparallel parallels with the other side. For normal questions, set
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在化学实验习题中,一般都具有知识面较广,实验技能要求较高,灵活性较大的特点。它对于巩固学生的化学知识和实验技能,培养他 In chemical experiment exercises, they gene
2009年是五四运动90周年,面对这一传统意义上作为学科起点的事件,本年度的中国现代文学研究带有强烈的反思精神,学科意识被自觉地贯穿于各个领域 2009 is the 90th annivers
根据电极上的氧化还原反应来判别电极的阴阳极,不少初学者深感困难。为此,笔者介绍根据阴阳离子运动的方向来判别电极阴阳极的方法与实例,供教学中参考。 According to the