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螳螂真是个奇怪而可敬的小生灵。这想法由来已久,其因盖在遨游于书籍之精神家园,消除了时间差与地域差,从庄周世界进入蒲松龄王国。《庄子·人世间》有寓言“螳臂当车”者: “汝不知夫螳螂乎?怒其臂以当车辙,不知其不胜任也。”与之向背, 《聊斋志异》有故事“螳螂捕蛇”者: “张姓者,偶行溪谷,闻崖上有声甚厉。寻途登觇,见巨蛇围如碗,摆扑丛林中,以尾击柳,柳枝崩折。反恻倾跌之状,似有物捉制之。然审视殊无所见。大疑。渐近临之,则一螳螂据顶上,以刺刀攫其首,攧不可去。久之,蛇竟死。视额上革肉 This is a strange and respectable little creature. This idea has a long history. It was because of its cover in the spiritual home of books, eliminating the time difference and geographical difference, and entering the Pu Songling kingdom from the world of Zhuang Zhou. In the world of Zhuangzi, there is an allegoric “arms when the car”: “You don’t know if you want to be angry with your arm and you don’t know if you are incapable of doing it.” With regards to it, “Liao Zhai Zhi Yi” has a story of “snapping a snake”. Anyone: "Chang surnamed, even walking in the valley, heard the noise on the cliff. When you look for a way out, you see the giant serpent circling like a bowl, swinging in the jungle, and hitting the willow, the willow branches will fall. It seems that there is something to catch and control, but when you look at it, there is nothing you can see.When you come close to it, you can smash it to the top with a bayonet and you can’t go. For a long time, the snake died. Leather
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