对类同老年心肌梗死喘憋误诊1分析如下。1病历摘要男,68岁。因咳嗽、咳痰、喘憋3 d,突发左侧肢体活动不灵摔倒并烫伤右胸部12 h入院。患者右胸烫伤处痛疼,无左胸痛及无向左肩手臂放射性痛疼,无发热,无头痛、头晕,无恶心、呕吐等。既往有慢性支气管炎病史20 a余。查体:T 36.8℃,
The same type of elderly myocardial infarction asthma misdiagnosis 1 analysis is as follows. 1 medical summary male, 68 years old. Due to cough, phlegm, wheezing 3 d, sudden left limb activity fell unconscious and scalded right chest 12 h admission. Right chest pain in patients with pain, no left chest pain and no pain in the left shoulder radioactive pain, no fever, no headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting and so on. Past history of chronic bronchitis more than 20 a. Physical examination: T 36.8 ℃,