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蛔虫病是最普通的肠寄生虫病,由于传染简单,在农村、在儿童中感染率极高,如我省日照县检查农民517人有蛔虫感染者515例,感染率为99.61%。蛔虫寄生于人体内吸食营养料致发生营养不良症,由于幼虫之转移可致肺炎、哮喘、荨麻疹等,蛔虫在肠管内扰动可致腹痛、肠阻塞、肠穿孔,胆道蛔虫、阑尾炎等;而蛔虫对人体最普通的经常的损害就是在肠管内吸食养料引致营养不良症,所以驱治蛔虫是防治营养不良症最现实和有效方法之一。驱蛔虫有许多有效办法,为了开展大规模治疗,我们选择了几种驱蛔药物作了治疗试验,现将我们观察的结果作一总结报导。一、治疗对象及方法我们在某小学进行了普查,检查粪便781人,有蛔虫卵者605人,阳性率为77.46%;患者为7—15岁的小学生,分为以下各组进行治疗:1.山道年组:共86人,每次应用山道年0.06克,其中含酚酜0.12克。当晚睡前服药一次,次晨空腹再服一次,二次为一疗程,不另用泻剂。2.枸椽酸(口派)哔嗪组:共106人,每次服药16片(每片160毫克)。当晚睡前服药一次,次晨空腹再服一次,二次为一疗程。 Ascariasis is the most common intestinal parasitic disease, due to the simple infection in rural areas, the infection rate is very high in children, such as the province of Rizhao check farmers 517 people have Ascaris infection in 515 cases, the infection rate was 99.61%. Roundworm parasites in the human body to absorb nutrients cause malnutrition, due to the larvae can cause pneumonia, asthma, urticaria, perturbation in the intestine can cause abdominal pain, intestinal obstruction, intestinal perforation, biliary Ascaris, appendicitis; Ascaris worms on the body’s most common and regular damage is in the intestine feeding nutrients cause malnutrition, so the rule roundworm is one of the most realistic and effective prevention and treatment of malnutrition. There are many effective ways to drive roundworms. In order to carry out large-scale treatment, we have chosen several anti-roundworm drugs for treatment. We have summarized the results of our observations. First, the treatment of objects and methods We conducted a census in a primary school to check the excrement of 781 people, 605 ascaris eggs, the positive rate was 77.46%; patients 7-15-year-old primary school students were divided into the following groups for treatment: 1 Hill Road group: a total of 86 people, each application Hill Road 0.06 grams, of which contains 0.12 grams of phenols. The night before bedtime medication, fasting again the next morning, the second for a course of treatment, not another cathartic. 2. Citric acid (port) lobetine group: a total of 106 people, each taking 16 (160 mg per tablet). Take medicine once before going to bed that night, take the next morning fasting again, the second for a course of treatment.
Microporous titanium dioxide thin films have been fabricated on titanium plates by the micro-plasma oxidation method with the electrolyte of Na3PO4+Na2B4O7. The
酒的主要成分是乙醇 ,它对药物代谢有着不同和程度的影响 ,能够抑制许多脂溶性药物的生物转化产生酶抑制作用 ,与某些药物如扑热息痛、利福平合用会使毒性增加 ;与甲硝唑及某