
来源 :中国拍卖 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luhaixiong1971
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中拍协文化艺术品拍卖专业委员会2002年年会于12月23日在福建省举行。中拍协艺委会20余家成员单位的负责人出席了会议,年会由中拍协艺委会主任委员单位中国嘉德国际拍卖有限公司副总经理、中拍协副秘书长寇勤主持,中拍协常务副会长兼秘书长姚广海出席年会并作了讲话。会议首先对“首届中国文化艺术品 The Association of cultural art auction auction in 2002 session of the annual meeting on December 23 in Fujian Province. More than 20 members of the Association of Art Association attended the meeting, the annual meeting by the Association of Art Committee chairman of China Guardian International Auction Co., Ltd. Deputy General Manager, Deputy Secretary-General Kao Qin hosted, Yao Guanghai, vice president and secretary general of the Association of Chinese Photographers, attended the annual meeting and made a speech. The meeting first of all ”the first Chinese art and culture
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