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1月17日,全国铁路工作会议在北京召开。铁道部党组书记、部长盛光祖在会上做了《开创铁路科学发展新局面,为全面建成小康社会作出新的贡献》的报告,总结了2012年铁路工作,部署了2013年重点任务。盛光祖指出,刚刚过去的2012年,全国铁路扎实推进安全风险管理,科学有序推进铁路建设,大力发展多 January 17, the National Railway Work Conference was held in Beijing. At the meeting, Sheng Guangzu, party secretary and minister of the Ministry of Railways, made a report entitled “Creating a New Situation for Railway Scientific Development and Making New Contributions to Building a Well-off Society in an All-Round Way”. It summarized the work on the railway in 2012 and deployed key tasks for 2013. Sheng Guangzu pointed out that just past 2012, the national railway solidly promoted safety risk management, promoted the railway construction in an orderly and scientific manner, and vigorously developed more
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目的 探讨高危前列腺增生症 (BPH)患者的有效手术方法。方法 采用经尿道前列腺气化术(TVP)结合电切术 (TURP)治疗高危 BPH患者 10 7例。结果 平均手术时间 5 6 m in,平均
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6月,去苏杭泛游,偶然在书店寻得一位故友新书,《扬眉欢喜,低眉自在》。白色的书封,白色的花瓣,仍是那般出尘脱俗。许久未见,他还是那样自在诗意。 In June, go to Pan-ying,
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