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Hawaii... Land of sun, fun, big surf, andteeny bikinis. But these magical islands literallyrose up out of the vast blue ocean with the helpof big, bad, explosive volcanos. It was the pro-cess of land building that started 4 point 5 billionyears ago on our planet. The motive power comesfrom the earth’s interior. And the most tempera-mental of them all today is called the Kilaueavolcano.Kilauea is unique among the world’ s vol-canos in that it’s not only one of the most activevolcanos in the world, but, it puts out, probably,the highest volume per year of lava of any vol-cano on the planet. On average, over a thousandgallons of lava come streaming, gushing or ooz- Hawaii... Land of sun, fun, big surf, andteeny bikinis. But these magical islands literallyrose up out the vast blue ocean with the helpof big, bad, explosive volcanos. It was the pro-cess of land building that started 4 Point 5 billionyears ago on our planet. The motive power comes from the earth’s interior. And the most tempera-mental of them all today is called the Kilaueavolcano.Kilauea is unique among the world’ s vol-canos in that it’s not only one of the Most activevolcanos in the world, but, it puts out, probably, the highest volume per year of lava of any vol-cano on the planet. On average, over a thousandgallons of lava come streaming, gushing or ooz-
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