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每逢新春,相互拜年、问候,是中国几千年来的传统。传说远古时代有一种怪兽,头顶长独角,口似血盆,人们把它叫做“年”。每逢腊月三十晚上,它便窜出山林,掠食噬人。人们只好备些肉食放在门外,然后把大门关上,躲在家里,直到初一早晨,“年”饱餐后扬长而趣,人们才开门相见,作揖道喜,互相祝贺。以往过年,通常是串串门子,打打电话,道一声祝福。但是近年来,随着手机通讯服务的普及,拜年的形式花样翻新,手机拜年走进了百姓家中,在不知不觉中已经成为了一种新时尚、新潮流。无乱男女老少,几乎都懂得也都会用手机来传达彼此问候的祝福。再加上个人空间和家庭隐私观念的强化,大家都不愿“串门”,有些话见面或打电话也不方便说,这就给手机短信息拜年方式又拓展了发展空间。短信拜年以其更方便,更便宜,更人性化的优点,成为了当今最为主要的一种新春祝福方式。 During the Spring Festival, New Year’s greetings and greetings are the tradition of China for thousands of years. Legend has it that in ancient times there was a monster with a long horn on its head and a mouth full of blood and people called it “year.” Every night on the twelfth lunar month thirty, it flew out of the woods, predatory bite. People had to put some meat on the door, and then closed the door and hid at home, until the very first morning, “Year” full of food after the long and interesting, people only open the door to meet, as congratulations, congratulations. In the past New Year, usually a string of gatekeepers, making phone calls, a road blessing. However, in recent years, with the popularization of mobile phone communication services, the new style of the new year has been renovated and the cell phone has come into the home of the people thanks to the New Year. Unknowingly it has become a new fashion and new trend. All men, women and children, almost all know how to use cell phones to convey greetings to each other. Coupled with the personal space and the strengthening of family privacy concepts, we are reluctant to “string together”, some of the words to meet or call inconvenient to say, which gives mobile phone short message New Year also expanded development space. SMS New Year thanks to its more convenient, cheaper, more humane advantages, has become today’s most important kind of New Year’s blessing.
经两年多研究,从田间坏死的棉苗根和下胚轴分离的镰刀菌种的出现频率为42%。经鉴定约90%的镰刀菌是腐皮镰孢(Fusarium solani)或尖镰孢(Fusarium oxysporum)。分离出的其它病
别腐烂是一种高效、低毒、内吸性强的杀菌剂。室内试验证明,用较低浓度便能阻止孢子发芽。有显著的预防效果。对苹果树腐烂病,葡萄晚腐病、黑痘病、褐斑病均有效。 Do not