
来源 :摩托车技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dtj77
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1 生产情况 1998年日本两轮车生产总量为264万辆,约等于出口量与国内新车上市量(包括库存量)之和。日本国内新车上市量连续三年减少,只有106万辆。从排量上看,50mL新车上市量为74.5万辆,和1997年相比减少了14%,其中此排量的踏板车减少很多;51~125mL新车上市量为17.7万辆,和1997年相比增加13%,此排量的踏板车有所增加;126~ 1 Production situation In 1998, the total production volume of two-wheeled vehicles in Japan was 2.64 million, which was equal to the sum of the export volume and the domestic new car’s listed quantity (including inventory). The number of new cars in Japan has been reduced for three consecutive years, with only 1.06 million vehicles. From the displacement point of view, the 50mL new car is listed on the amount of 745,000 vehicles, compared with 1997, a decrease of 14%, of which the displacement of the scooter is reduced much; 51 ~ 125mL new car is listed on the amount of 177,000, and 1997 Compared to the 13% increase, the displacement of the scooter has increased; 126~
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