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  A farm is hardly the place where we would expect a new dance craze to begin, but that’s exactly what’s happening in China’s Zhejiang Province! Fan Deduo and Peng Xiaoying live in a rural area with their two children. A few years ago, Fan was in a bad car accident that left him depressed. When a doctor suggested that getting more exercise could raise his spirits, Peng suggested they learn a shuffle dance(曳步舞) together.
  The couple learned the “ghost step dance” to get started, and the change in Fan’s mood was quick! He no longer felt scared all the time and was able to open up to his family more. Not to mention, the high-energy moved flooded his body with endorphins(內啡肽), making him feel more optimistic about the world.
  Soon, the two of them were dancing every day! As they went about their chores on the farm, they often stopped for the best of breaks. “Whenever we feel upset, the shuffle dance always helps cheer us up and lighten our mood. It has been such an uplift in our lives,” Peng said. “I think the main reason why we get so happy when we dance is to do with the idea of our exercising on the ridges. It’s really exciting.”
  Peng and Fan created their own version of the moves, which they were calling the “rural shuffle dance”. Their kids had since gotten in on the action, making these daily dance-offs even better! When they were unable to leave their farm for weeks due to the COVID-19, they started sharing their videos on Douyin, the Chinese version of  TikTok. Their posts were a big hit and quickly went viral.
  1. What happened to Fan Deduo a few ago?
  2. Who suggested Fan Deduo and Peng Xiaoying learn a shuffle dance(曳步舞) together?
  3. How many people are there in Fan Deduo’s family?
  4. Why didn’t they leave their farm for weeks?
  Keys:1. A bad car accident. 2. Peng Xiaoying. 3. Four. 4. Because of the COVID-19.
编者按“咬定青山不放松,立根原在破岩中。千磨万击还坚劲,任尔东西南北风。”郑板桥的《竹石》,写出了竹坚忍、执着和顽强的品质。只要用心体悟,总会在身边的一花一木中找到希望和力量。一起来读剧作家曹禺的《雪松》,看看作者从中获得了怎样的生命体悟。  【美文在线】  雪 松  曹 禺  天气好极了。  这些日子天上忽风忽雨,继而沉闷阴霾的面孔一直不散,我的周围的人总是不声不响,仿佛要为我办最后的告别。我回
通过探究得到发现,在验证发现正确性的基础上进行拓展应用,是近年来中考的热点题型.现通过典型中考题说明这类问题的特点与解法.  例1(2020·贵州·黔东南)如图1,△ABC和△DCE都是等边三角形.  (1)△BCD与△ACE是否全等?若全等,加以证明;若不全等,请说明理由.  (2)若[B],[C],[E]三点不在一条直线上,[∠ADC=30°],[AD=3],[CD=2],求[BD]的长.  
近年来,用函数来求解的几何动态试题频频出现.下面举例介绍这类试题的特点及解法.  例1(2020·河南)小亮在学习中遇到这样一个问题:如图1,点D是弧BC上一动点,线段BC = 8 cm,点A是线段BC的中点,过点C作CF[?]BD,交DA的延长线于点F,当△DCF为等腰三角形时,求线段BD的长度.小亮分析发现,此问题很难通过常规的推理计算彻底解决,于是尝试结合学习函数的经验研究此问题.请将下面的
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1. 如图1,在△ABC中,AC = BC = 3,∠ACB = 90°,CD为AB边的中线,点E是线段CD上一动点,连接AE,将线段AE绕着点E顺时针旋转90°得到线段EF,连接EF,DF,当△ADF的周长最小时,则tan∠BDF = .   [A][F][D][E][C][B]  圖1  2. 如图2,抛物线(a ≠ 0)的对称轴为直线x = 1,与x轴的一个交点A
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英语中的定语是用来修饰名词或不定代词的,常见的是置于被修饰词的前面。如:  She asked me whether small oranges are ofen sweeter than big ones.  她问我是否小橘子常比大橘子甜。  There are thirty women teachers in our school. 我们学校有30位女教师。  This coat is too
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