1949年11月9日,驻香港的国民党“中央民航”和“中国民航”(简称“两航”)的爱国员工2000多人士,在中国共产党的关怀和周恩来的直接领导下,在中央派往香港的地下工作同志的具体组织下,毅然脱离国民党政权,在香港举行了震惊中外的空中大起义。果断决策,周恩来否定了饶漱石的错误意见 1948年8月,北京,中南海。一份中共华东局给中央军委的电报放在周恩来的办公桌上。电报的大概内容是:关于国民党“中国民航”和“中央民航”在上海的资产处理问题,华东局领导有意见分歧。陈毅、粟裕等同志认为:“两航”总经理撤往香港时,
On November 9, 1949, more than 2,000 patriotic employees of the Kuomintang Central Civil Aviation and Civil Aviation of China (“Two Airlines”) in Hong Kong were sent by the Central Committee under the care of the CPC and the direct leadership of Zhou Enlai Under the concrete organization of underground working comrades in Hong Kong, they resolutely separated from the Kuomintang regime and held a grand uprising in Hong Kong that shocked both China and foreign countries. Decisive decision-making, Zhou Enlai denied Rao Shushi’s wrong opinion 1948 August, Beijing, Zhongnanhai. A telegram from the CCP’s East China Bureau to the Central Military Commission was placed on Zhou Enlai’s desk. The telegram is about the KMT’s “China Civil Aviation” and “Central Civil Aviation” in Shanghai asset disposal problems, East China Bureau leadership disagreement. Chen Yi, Su Yu and other comrades think: “Two Airways” general manager withdrew to Hong Kong,