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北宋的宫廷画师中,董祥的画名并不属于流传得既广又深的一类。但他有一幅现藏于台北故宫博物院的画,却非常耐看,是立轴《岁朝图》。中国画的这一路画法,以今天所能看到的资料图录,和中国画在董祥那个时代发展阶段两方面来看,《岁朝图》应该还是开创者。图录资料方面,很简单,是因为在董祥之前,没见过这么画的。发展阶段方面,要说清楚话就要多一些。中国画在北宋时期,是发展跨度非常大的一个时期。分析原因,大概可以列举三个:一是事已至此,前人已经把路铺到了这儿,后人水到渠成沿着路就走到了这儿;二是北宋的皇帝不止徽宗喜欢画画,而是差不多个个喜欢。他们继承五代南唐、西蜀的做法,以皇家的身份成立专事绘画的机构,即皇家画院,网罗高手,给予官职,使他们无忧无虞的只管画画。皇家这样提倡,促进的作用不言而喻;三是 Among the court painters in the Northern Song Dynasty, Dong Xiang’s title does not belong to a broad and deep category. However, he has a painting now hidden in the National Palace Museum in Taipei, but it is very engaging. It is the vertical axis “year-old figure.” Chinese painting this way, with today can see the data catalog, and Chinese painting in the stage of development of Dongxiang that stage two perspectives, “year map” should still be a pioneer. Pictorial information, is very simple, because before Dongxiang, never seen such a picture. In the development stage, we should speak more clearly. Chinese painting in the Northern Song Dynasty, is the development of a very large period of time. Analysis of the reasons, probably can be enumerated three: First, things have been so far, the predecessors have put the road here, descendants come down the road and came here; Second, the Northern Song emperor like more than the emblem of painting, but almost A like. They inherited the practices of the Five Dynasties and Nanshan and Xushu and set up a royal painting organization dedicated to painting, that is, the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, a masterstroke, and official posts to make them carefree. The role of royal advocates and promoters is self-evident. The third is
2017年,西方国家掀起了一场声势浩大的“Me Too”运动,再次将女性的生存困境推至舆论巅峰。自19世纪爆发第一次女性主义运动以来,全球妇女为自身平等与解放的斗争已超过一个多世